xii. Answers from the Other Side

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Sana jolted out of bed, waking up to the booming sound of her lover yelling, not out of sensual pleasure they had last night, but from anger. It could be heard from downstairs, across the threshold of their home. Tzuyu had bought a house for the two of them, hiring several people to help around the place. It wasn't a tough decision to make when Sana thought about living with Tzuyu. She loved the idea and in fact, moved out of her abusive home the next day without another word to her parents.

Sana looked around in total confusion, whipping her head to scan the room and see that she was in an empty bed. She rubbed her eyes to remove the sleepiness from them, blinking rapidly to wake herself up so she could be more aware of the situation and contemplate whether it was serious or not to deal with.

Another thing that hit her was the awful stench emanating from the room. Sana took another good look around the room before her eyes widened at the sight of Gucci sniffing at a large trout sitting on the carpeted floor. He wasn't eating it or anything, just observing it. Once he had his fun, he turned away and kicked off, retreating to his tiny home in the corner of the room. Sana's attention returned to the putrid fishiness, staring at the fish that was about to collect flies anytime now.

What the hell is going in?

She heard Tzuyu yelling downstairs again, at the maids. Sana knew at that instant that Tzuyu was beyond furious. Quickly throwing off the covers, she put on her fuzzy slippers, heading downstairs in only her underwear and a big shirt. The helpers had gotten used to it and didn't bother since they passed it off as typical teenage-hormone behavior, and since they were terrified of Tzuyu.

She hiked down the huge flight of stairs leading to the lobby. The door was opened and a few maids were stunned in place, contemplating with themselves of what to make with Tzuyu's anger. They all greeted Sana a 'good morning' when she entered the room. She dismissed them all with a small smile and went for the door. Tzuyu was at it again, yelling at the guards in the front yard.

"How could you pathetic idiots not see who did this? Are you all blind or some shit? And despite that, you didn't HEAR shit?! Did all of you decide to sleep together at the same time? Do I not pay you good money to do your fucking jobs?"

Tzuyu did not give it a rest. She had spent her morning yelling at every single person she saw in sight. The eleven guards were all standing in one line, their heads, and caps down. They looked like tiny children being scolded.

One of the guards tried to be the brave undertaker of the group and speak up.
"We're deeply sorry, Miss Tz—"

"Sorry doesn't mean SHIT." Small veins on Tzuyu's neck started to form, her teeth grinding with every word.

The guard yelped lowly, flinching as he gradually backed away into the line of cowardice. None of them paid any mind to Sana who was directly behind Tzuyu, looking at them in woe. Tzuyu didn't acknowledge her presence until Sana made it known by placing a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.

"Heyyy, babe. Why so grumpy in the early morning?"

She went on her tippy toes to softly place a tender kiss on Tzuyu's cheek, hoping that it would calm her down a little. With little effort, Sana's trick worked and within seconds, the veins surrounding Tzuyu's neck protruded back into place. Tzuyu didn't realize how tense she was until she calmed down by seeing Sana's glorious face shining like a lightbulb. Her shoulders sagged down heavily, taking in a deep breath.

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