xi. Overcommunicate

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Following up on the next day, Nayeon pulled herself together and went to school. She thought she couldn't afford another absent mark on her record, scolding herself for allowing such reckless behavior. However, deep down, she knew that she loved that ounce of freedom she felt with Jeongyeon. Not once had Jeongyeon left her mind. After Mina left, Nayeon spent the day doing anything to fill her time; listening to podcasts, talking to Yama, making dinner. Her brain would try to trick her into playing images of Jeongyeon. Nayeon would groan and shake her head violently in desperate attempt to erase them.

Eventually, Nayeon would have to confront Jeongyeon one way or the other. She dreaded for when that day would come, but leaving it alone would only do more harm than good for both of them. It was an easier-said-than-done type of commitment. Confrontation was Nayeon's worse enemy and her stubbornness wasn't helping either. Although Jeongyeon was straightforward, they both shared the same trait of being strong-willed at dodging encounters.

Lunch time came, teens scrambling out of rooms to get to the cafeteria first since a special food item was featured for the day. Nayeon was in no rush to get there. She had lost her appetite since this morning, skipping breakfast and heading straight to her car without another word to her family. They grew concerned for her but her parents decided against pummeling her with questions on what was the matter. Arriving at her locker after feeling around for the giant stickers with her name on it to distinguish its features, Nayeon popped it open, grabbing a notebook.

Jeongyeon just got out of class, making her down the stairs. She was going to meet with Momo, wondering if Nayeon would be there. The lockers were on the left side while the canteen was to the right. Out of curiosity, Jeongyeon looked over to her left. To her complete surprise, there stood Nayeon, unaware of Jeongyeon's presence. There was still a decent amount of people in the halls, loud sounds of footsteps could be heard all over. She wouldn't even notice if Jeongyeon were to pass by.

Should I. . . say something?

Jeongyeon stood at the bottom of the stairs, slightly to the side to not block anyone's path. For what seemed like the longest ten seconds of her life, she grilled herself on whether to go over and shoot a quick hello. But the after-conversation was what Jeongyeon feared for. They couldn't just simply carry on with casual small talk like nothing happened.

A choice was made for her when her phone went off. Jeongyeong received a message from Momo, already in the cafeteria.

Wats taking you so long?

Before replying, Jeongyeon lifted her head up to see Nayeon closing her locker and walking while tapping in the direction of the library.

With the confirmation that Nayeon would not be joining the them, Jeongyeon frowned a bit, feeling disappointed. She knew the situation was that exhausting for her to physically avoid both of them. Jeongyeon continued on to the cafeteria, texting a quick response to Momo.


After Jeongyeon snatched a tray and threw some food on it and paid, she hightailed over to Momo who waved her over. She was sitting by herself in the empty table. Jeongyeon's never understood why they always got that one all to themselves. It wasn't like they chased people away, the girls would actually prefer if others came to sit at the other edge or even in the middle of them. Without giving it another thought, she joined Momo in a mellow conversation.

"Where's Dahyun?" Putting the tray down first, Jeongyeon sits, one leg going in after the other.

Momo chewed on her food before answering.
"Stuck at the office again. I'm gonna swing by after to bring her lunch."
She shrugged as a gesture of ending the scheme of her plans. Biting into her burger again, Momo anticipating for Jeongyeon to contribute something else to their chat.

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