Avril Lavigne

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Trigger warning: Language? I listened to Girlfriend for the first time in years, and I had no idea it drops the F bomb... lol listen at your own risk. 

A/N: So I think I'm gonna write Theodosia Sr. as Theodosia, and Theodosia Jr. as just Theo. 

Quinn: Hey guys! We're back with more Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! Say hi, y'all!

Hamilton: Hey!

Phillip: *shyly hides his face in Eliza's dress*

Eliza: Aw, Phillip. *hugs him* 

Herc: Nice job, internet. You're scaring the tiny child!

Quinn: Leave the readers alone, Herc. Anyway, let's get into the request. It's from themysteriousnobody

 It's from themysteriousnobody

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Laurens: Avril who?

Quinn: She's a punk rock singer. We're gonna listen to a few of her songs and talk about them.


Jefferson: What. Even. Is this. 

Hamilton: I'm not sure...

Angelica: It's pretty catchy anyway. 

Herc: *dancing around the room* 

Phillip and Theo: *sitting on the floor, laughing as they watch Herc*

Herc: C'mon, smalls! *pulls them off the floor and starts a conga line along with Laff, Laurens and Peggy*

*when she says the f word*

Eliza and Theodosia: *fly out of their seats* WHAT?!

Theodosia: What are we listening to?!

Phillip: What's wrong, Mama?

Eliza: *forces a smile* N-nothing, sweetie... 

Herc: What? That's an important word? What else are they supposed to yell when they get back up again?

Eliza and Theodosia: *glare heart-stopping daggers into Herc*

Herc: *eyes widen* Uh... LOOK KIDS, I'M A DISTRACTION! *puts Phillip and Theo on his shoulders and spins them around*

Phillip and Theo: *laugh and forget about what just happened*

Washington: "I don't like your girlfriend." "I think you need a new one..." Those aren't good ideas to be teaching people. 

Hamilton: Yeah! There's nothing worse than a guy who cheats on his girl. Nothing worse!

Angelica: True that. 


Angelica: Honestly, every guy should listen to this song. Like, how hard is it to get the door?

Eliza, Theodosia and Peggy: *nod their agreement*

Theo: *gasps* She said the d-word... 

Theodosia: Theo, how do you know the d-word?

Theo: Phillp's dad. 

Eliza: *glares at Hamilton furiously from across the room*

Hamilton: *talking to his friends blah blah blah* *blinks, feels the back of his head* I think something bit me. Or shot the back of my head... *turns around and sees Eliza glaring at him* *incoherent noises, falls backwards onto Laurens*


Jefferson: *rolls eyes*

Madison: "He was a boy, she was a girl..." Who knows where this song's going?

Peggy: I like it anyway! *jumping around and dancing, booty-bumps Laurens*

Laurens: *has no words*

Theo and Phillip: *running all around the room*

Madison: Huh... that song did not go where I thought it would. Okay, I take it back. This song isn't too bad. 

Jefferson: It's still annoying. Why can't we ever just listen to some good old-fashioned jazz?

Laurens: *from the other side of the room* YA LIKE JAZZ??????

Jefferson: *limply throws a Cheeto at and it just drops to the floor, not even coming close to John*

Quinn: That meme is so old, John, even for you. 

Washington: Well, I did like how this song talked about not judging by outward appearances.

Eliza: True, I suppose... but I don't like her cursing in front of the children.

Theodosia: I agree. But the songs themselves aren't that bad...

[After the song's over]

Quinn: Well, what did you guys think of Avril Lavigne?

Angelica: Pretty cool! I liked how her songs were kinda girly sounding, but also really cool and rock and roll at the same time. 

Peggy: Her songs were awesome!

Eliza: Hm. I thought she was a bad influence on my Phillip.

Phillip: *hopping up and down* He was a skater boy, she said 'seeya later, boy' *just kinda mumbles gibberish under his breath cuz he can't remember the rest of the words*

Quinn: Aww! You liked that song, Phillip?

Phillip: It was cool. 

Theo: I loved all of them!

 Herc: They were good to have a dance party to. 

Laurens: Every song's a good song to have a dance party to for you!

Herc: And because of me, we have more a lot dance parties than the rest of the world. You're welcome. 

Quinn: Alex?

Hamilton: Nope.  


Herc: NO WAY, NO WAY, I THINK YOU NEED A NEW ONE! *turns Girlfriend back on*

Hamilton: Herc no.

Herc: Herc always. *starts dancing*

Jefferson: Can I die?

Hamilton: Oh no, you're not. You're not taking the easy way out, Tom.

Quinn: Welp, I guess we'll be here dancing for a while! Seeya next time on Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! 

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