The Four Modern Major Musicals™

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Quinn: What's up, everyone? We're back with more Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! Say hello, Dork Squad!

Jefferson: You know, I find this nickname offensive.

Madison: *shrugs* Just go with it, Thomas... good morning, everyone.

Samuel: *giggles uncertainly* Hello!

Quinn: We're gonna get right into it today. Our winning request was brought to us by Hamilgirl12! Congratulations, Keira! Here is what she wanted to see:

 Our winning request was brought to us by Hamilgirl12! Congratulations, Keira! Here is what she wanted to see:

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Quinn: Keira is actually here today, so please give her a warm Hamilton Reacts welcome!


Keira: Hey, guys! Good to see you again!

Hamilton: Hello, Keira!

Susan: *smiles with delight at seeing her but is too shy to approach her*

Maria: *smiles and leads Susan by the hand over to Keira*

Keira: Susan, hi! *crouches to her level and smiles gently* How are you?

Susan: *smiles and kinda hides her face in Maria's arm* Good.

Quinn: Okay, guys, let's get started. The Four Modern Major Musicals™️ are, well, four musicals that have been released in the last handful of years, and they have kinda sparked a whole new generation of theater fans. More and more people are coming to love theater through these musicals, myself included.

Herc: Is Spamilton one of those musicals?

Quinn: It's kinda disheartening that that's the only musical you guys know... we need to listen to more musicals. Alright, we'll start with the first musical I ever listened to: Dear Evan Hansen!

Eliza: What's that about?

Quinn: It's the story of a boy named Evan who has social anxiety. He accidentally gets the parents of a student who committed suicide to believe that they had been friends, and he now has to write a bunch of fake emails between him and the dead kid as proof. In doing so, he finds himself and learns what he really wants in life.


Laurens: Huh?

Hamilton: What- I- I don't even know what to say. HOW IS THIS A MUSICAL. First off, how do you "accidentally," get a dead boy's parents to believe you were their kid's best friend, and then how do you sing about it?

Quinn: Easier than you'd think.

Eliza: Oh, this sounds really sad. I don't think I want to listen to this.

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