Chapter 21

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Grayson's pov
I had a lot of fun with Emma yesterday, fans are crazy though.

I read one and the caption was "I think I ship Grayson and Emma now, they were kinda on a date sooo, how's Ethan feel about this?" It wasn't a date, but I liked the picture before I read the caption and I can't unlike it.

I get off Instagram and he's still sleeping, I wake him up.
"Wake up E" he groaned
"Dude it's 8:30, we're uploading today"
"Ok ok, I'll be up in 5 minutes." He won't be
"Okay I'll be back in exactly 5 minutes" he groans
"Whatever" I went into my room and put on a beanie, I decided to snap something, so I went into E's room, he fell back asleep, I stared recording and threw a pillow at him, then he threw one back, I stopped recording then posted it.

Ethan's pov
I woke up this morning to Grayson, I had that weird dream again about Emma and Grayson, I got up and brushed my teeth, I stayed in my pajamas, I did not feel like changing, I went into the kitchen and made cereal and sat down at the kitchen table, I scroll through Instagram and see a picture of Emma and Grayson together, then he walks in.
"Hey Gray, when were you with Emma?"
"Oh yesterday we went and got food."
"Oh ok, why didn't you tell me?"
"You we're asleep, and her friends were asleep."
"Ever heard of postmates?"
"Yeah bro but we were both bored and hungry, I didn't think you'd get so mad about it."
"I'm not, but the fandoms are going crazy."
"Really? Let me see" I show him edits and accounts

"You ship name is Gremma and mine is Ethma."
"That's funny" I just stop talking and text Emma
Hey Em
Hey E, what's up?
Nothing, Just woke up, about to upload the new video.
Fun, I woke up a few hours ago, I got hungry  and never went back to bed lol.
Are you excited for tomorrow?
Yeah! I miss you and Gray a lot, and I can't wait to meet James.
We're all excited
I gtg, I'll see you tomorrow!
Okay byeee

Emmas pov
I don't like Grayson. I can't like Grayson, I like Ethan. Gray and I are just friends, I hope.

I'll talk to them about it on Wednesday. I sleep on it, anything I was thinking before is definitely going to be fine.

I wake up the next morning, I totally forgot all about it, until E texted me, what am I going to do.

I could do nothing and see how tomorrow goes, or I could ask Hannah and Ellie, I go back down stairs, I bring a tray of food just to be a good friend, they just woke up, they look exhausted,
"Goodmorning girdiesss"
"Aw em." Says Hannah
"Your the best" Ellie groaned, then Hannah started talking
"How long have you been up?"
"Very long time, I couldn't sleep then I got hungry and never fell back asleep."
"Geez Em, you need sleep, you have a big day tomorrow and today."
"Oh I know, I'm hoping I'll be awake all day today and sleep all night and be refreshed tomorrow."

Hannah took off school today, she was super exhausted and we needed a lot of time to work on her new video, as we got up and around it was around 9:30 and we all got dressed then started filming.

it was just an introduction video and like a welcome thing to Hannahs channel but we thought it would be fun to do it all together, it only took us about an hour to film so it wasn't that bad, once we were done I went upstairs and did some more editing on my new video, there was so much i vlogged that I really need to edit and upload by tomorrow, I that for 3 hours or so.

when I started getting tired it was around 1 PM and I wanted to take a short nap, I go in the basement and tell them I'm taking a nap and then go up into my room and lay in my bed, I missed it so much, I haven't slept in it in almost a week, so I fall right asleep.

When I wake up it's literally 9 PM, I got 8 hours of sleep from a nap, I'm definitely not sleeping tonight. I go to the basement where Hannah and Ellie are blasting music, I walk in,
"Hey guys what're you doing?" They pause the music
"Nothing just jamming out."
"Oo funn"
"Yeah Em, we tried waking you up like 4 times, we thought you were dead at some point."
"Have my parents been home yet?"
"Nope, it's just been us."
"Oh I'll be right back then, I'm gonna go call my mom and edit some more. Come upstairs if you need me Okay?"
"Okay" they smiled and started playing the music again.

I called my mom
"Hey mom! Where are you?"
"Your dad and I stayed at a hotel last night then went to a meeting early this morning, we also stopped and went out to eat. We're on our way home though"
"Thank god, I miss you guys so much, I have so much I want to tell you."
"Okay honey, we'll be home in less than 5 minutes"
"Okay I love you see you soon."
"Love you."

Less than 5 minutes later my parents walk in the door, I get up and hug my mom, then we sit down on the couch while my dad goes to his room, we were never close so I didn't really mind him not listening.
"So mom, I met this boy."
"I needdd a name!!"
"Very, but. He has a brother, a twin brother, Grayson. He's very sweet as well and we're all hanging out tomorrow. I need help!"
"Oh honey, I can't help you on that one, you'll just have to figure it out tomorrow when you hang out with them, decide who treats you better."
"Thanks mom!" I hug her then she goes to her room and goes to bed.

I stay up allll night editing. It got to the point to where it was 9 AM, my mom and dad decided to buy an office and start working there and Hannah and Ellie were awake and getting ready for the day. I was about to go down to the basement to tell them I'm ready to go out to breakfast and after that I have to go to James'.
Hope you enjoyed this:))))
It wasn't a big cliff hanger so your welcome!

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