Chapter 75

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emma's pov
we left the festival early, i want to go back home, i know for sure ethan's there, after the tweets and posts , i'm sure even ellie said what happened.

it's around 8 pm now, we'll be home before 9, then i'll be able to pack , stay at ethan's , and we can happily go to the bahamas WITHOUT nick.

We've been driving for only 10 minutes but traffic is backed up on the other side of the street, someone got pulled over.

i shift in my seat to get a better look, WAIT, that looks exactly like ethan's jeep, it even has the red decals.

I lean closer since we're stopped to see the people in the car, i can only see the figures , a girl in the back and two guys in the front, it's probably not E.

if it was, ellie would be with them, I really had hope. actually, we're stopped right here, I can open the door and run over to them.

Even if it's not them there's still a police officer, who can help me.

I slowly put my hand in the handle, my cars automatic so you can't tell if the doors are locked or not, or at least i don't know where you can tell.

I gently pull when nick shouts, "What thE FUCK!" i turn towards him, hoping he didn't notice, "what!?"
"we're never getting out of here" tell me about it nick, you practically kidnapped me and you're stressing????

I take a deep breath, he's looking out his window, I put my hand on the seatbelt buckle, it's clicks. Nick looks over. "what are you doing?" he asks, think emma think!!

I got it, "I was just getting a little uncomfortable, you know? I think we'll be here a while." he nods and looks back out his window.

I wrap my hand around the handle again, this time I pull, praying the door was unlocked. It wasn't. thank god it didn't make a noise.

what do I do now? I'm so smart today, I know exactly what to do. I recline my seat back and place my feet on the controls on my door, "accidentally" pressing the unlock button.

i GIGGLE, "whoops" I say innocently. He chuckles.

So the doors are unlocked, my hand is in the perfect reach for the handle, and it may or may not be Ethan 10 feet away from me, AND a police officer. I can go.

I put my hand on the handle and pull, it clicks, he looks at me, i push the door open and roll out, "emma!!" nick shouts and gets out of the car on his side.

which way do I go?? I run around the front of the car and he goes toward the back, you see, the back is the best way but he also knows that so he knew i would go that way but i didn't!!

I sprint towards the police officer and grab him, it's probably illegal but so is nick!

he looks at me , "what the matter young lady??" tears gushing down my face, mascara all over , "th- tha- that guy!! Him!" i shout pointing to Nick who was standing by my car, across the street.

I look back at the police officer, "ma'am, i'm in the middle of something" i look in the car and it's ethan. this is not happening, this may be the best thing to ever happen to me.

but he's not looking at me, his face is his hands, graysons not looking, he's got his eyes closed and his head tilted back, hannah's on the phone with someone.

i look at the cop, "what's your name ma'am?" he asks "emma, but that guy across the street is dangerous, this is my boyfriend you pulled over, can i talk to him real fast?"
"ma'am, emma, what do you mean that guys dangerous?" i look at nick and he's standing across the street with his hands on his hips.

"he knows i struggle with mental health and he got me to come to this festival and break up with my boyfriend and he took my phone and posted things on my account and i just-" I suddenly can't breathe. I think i'm having a panic attack.

My vision starts to go blurry, the only thing I can see is Nick. Then it all goes black.

ethan's pov
Fuck. did I really just get pulled over? "Guys i'm getting pulled over, this isn't good."
"what if Emma already left?" Hannah asks "she probably did." I respond.

"And there was a crash back there, traffic is stopped both ways. we're not getting anywhere for a long time." Gray says reading off his phone. My eyes swell with tears. "what if he did something do her?" I can't do this, I need to know she's safe.

"Babe, why don't you call ellie and tell her what's happening and tell her to go to Emma's and pack her bags for the trip, we left the doors unlocked." Gray says to Hannah.

She starts calling and almost talks immediately. I hear the cops door shut, here comes the ticket.

Han goes the right seat and talks to Ellie quietly, Gray leans his head back on the seat, I don't want to cry in front of a cop. I don't roll down my window and I hide my wet face in my hands.

It's been a few minutes since i heard the door, is he even coming? I look up and I see emma, "GRAY! EMMA!" Hannah and Grayson shoot up, "gotta go ellie" hannah hangs up.

I look back for a double take of Emma and her eyes roll back to her head and she falls to the ground.

I jump out of the car and pull her in my arms, "what happened?!" i shout "sir, i need you to calm down, i'll call a paramedic, are you familiar with that guy across the street?" i look across the street and it's nick.

I look at Gray and he takes Emma, I run across the street, "woah, hey ethan, chill." nick says trying to defend himself. "i can't fucking chill, you took my girlfriend here!" he laughs "ex girlfriend, and she wanted to come here." I turn around and look at emma still laying in Graysons arms.

I turn back around at Nick, "you did this to her." i scowl. I step closer to Nick and swing, causing him to fall backwards. the officer doesn't see it.

I stand over Nick, "If you ever fucking dare come anywhere near emma, I will end you." I turn around and walk back to Emma.

I hear the sirens of an ambulance, "since we aren't family we'll take emma's car to the hospital, hannah can go in the ambulance though." i say "Han, will you be alright here ?" Gray asks and she nods.

Gray and I go to emma's car and Nick for some reason is still resting on it. "Nick, get up and get in the car." Grayson says, i give him a look, "trust me, E" and so i do.

i get in the passenger seat and Grayson drives. "okay, Nick, i'm giving you 2,000 dollars and i'm dropping you off at the airport, and you are to never come back, got it?" Nick shakes his head, Grayson can be scary when he wants to be.

Hannah's been giving us constant updates about Emma, they're at the hospital, Emma's fine, she woke up after they put her IV in and gave her water.

We dropped nick off at the airport, "nick, whenever you want your luggage text me and we'll mail it to you, let us know where you go. The farther the better." Gray says and drives away.

When we get to the hospital we were automatically able to see Emma, we walk in and her and Hannah were laughing at god knows what.

When we walk in she smiles, "Hey, E." she says quietly. "hey Em, how're you feeling?" I ask  and sit at the end of the bed. "good, I wanna leave but i'm too afraid to go home, what if he's there?" I look at gray.

"he's not, he's not coming back" I grab her hand "what do you mean? how do you know?" she asks "we took care of it, don't worry." Gray says, emma looks concerned.

hannah claps her hands together, "anyways, doctor says emma can go home tonight and we can still go on the trip tomorrow morning, he should be back any second now."she says "sweet! are you excited?" i ask emma

"yeah, anywhere with you guys i'm happy. but can we actually get me a new apartment? or something? i don't ever want to go back into that one."
"of course, you can stay with us until we find you something. everything will be okay." i reassure her.

her face lights up, "great! let's go to the Bahamas!" he all cheer.
i've gotten bad at updating constantly but here it is! enjoy!

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