Chapter 41

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Emmas pov
I really need you right now Emma, I can't do this.

It's okay, I'm here, whatever you need, I have you.

I really can't live without my dad.  He's crying so much, I wish I was there.

Ethan, I would be there right now if I could, Next weekend I'll fly straight to you from my parents if you need me to.

Could you please.

Yes, of course, I'll book it tomorrow. I think you need sleep, E, it's 3 AM where you are, call me when you wake up.

Okay, I love you, thank you for being here for me.

Always, I love you too. Goodnight.

    I hate seeing him like this, he always has joy in his voice, this is really hitting him hard, I want to be with him so bad right now.

I wake up the next morning pretty late, it's around 10:30 when I actually wake up, Ellie and Hannah are getting ready, I get up and walk into the bathroom where they are,
"Hey, Em, we were just about to wake you up." Hannah says, while Ellie's putting concealer under her eyes,
"I'm awake." I say very tiredly
"We all went to sleep at the same time, how are you so tired?" Ellie says
"I don't know, Ethan called me at like midnight or something, I was worrying about him I stayed up for like 2 more hours till I fell back asleep."
"Oh my gosh, how is he?" Hannah asked and Ellie stops what she's doing and turns around to look at me.
"He's not his best, but like I understand, he was calling me crying, and I just felt so bad for him, I mean his dad supposedly has only a week left." I say
"I feel so terrible for the both of them, they're whole entire family." Hannah says
"Yeah, me too." Ellie comments
"So, what're you going to do?" Hannah asks
"I told him that on Sunday when I leave Boston I'll fly straight to Jersey to be there with him."
"That's a good idea, he really needs that." Hannah says
"Oh my gosh, I really need to get ready, it's the last day and the longest, don't we have that obstacle course to do at like 4:00?" I ask
"Oh my gosh, yeah, I totally forgot about that." Ellie says, so I get ready, I put on some high waisted jean shorts, a black unif top, with some Air Force ones and I put my hair in a high bun. When we get to the convention center at around 11:45 we set up our panel and walk around, there's not much we can really do till it starts so we found some 'body guards' and went outside to hangout with the people in line till the convention opened for fans. It was really a great time, they asked a whole bunch of questions, they gave us signs, posters, drawings , Candy, and a whole bunch of stuff. Hannah and I went over to this one group of girls while Ellie was off with some other people, she seemed like she was in a good conversation, but the girls all had a question for Hannah and I,
"Hannah, is there a particular love interest?" One asked
"Well, not really." Hannah replied
"Emma, since you hangout with the twins a lot, is Grayson single?" Another asked
"Uh, yeah, as far as I know." I laugh, they all let out a little scream, Hannah and I are very confused as of why,
"So, Hannah's single, Graysons single, Emma, you need to get them together." One says
"Um, I'm right here." Hannah says and we all laugh,
"Okay, how about one more." I say
"Okay, Emma, is it true that you and Ethan are dating? Hashtag Ethma!!!" Oh my god, I clearly didn't think this one through, I start to blush and bite my lip,
"Ummm, no comment." Genius. But they all go NUTS, they start screaming.
"Haha, well gotta go, see you guys later!" I say and awkwardly walk away with Hannah, we find Ellie and go back inside.

It's 3:30 now and everything is closed, the girdies go to the building that's a few blocks away and meet up with a bunch of other YouTubers for the obstacle course, every year they have a new activity to go on the last day, last year they had a whole trampoline park rented out, it was so fun. Hannah, Ellie, and I all went together, and not to brag, but I got first place, Hannah got second, then poor little Ellie got last place, we just hung out and did some fun obstacles till around 5:30 then we left. When we got back to the hotel I was surprised I hadn't heard from Ethan all day except when we woke up, I'm sure he's just with family, I decide to text him anyways,
Hey E, how is everything?

It's alright, my dads awake, we're going home here soon, he wanted to spend his last days at home with his family.

That's sweet, E, I miss you.

I miss you too, you're still coming next weekend right?

Yeah! I'll book it now, will you FaceTime me later?

Yeah, but I have to go, I love you❤️

I love you too❤️
    I didn't think I could miss someone so much, Ethan is just someone who I can't live without, I miss everything about him, his hugs, cuddles, his words, his lips, his cute smile, the way his face lights up when he laughs, I've never felt this way about anyone before.
             Monday Morning 6:45
Hannah and Ellie woke me up way to early, but I understand, later tonight the girdies have a sunset photoshoot with Bryant, tomorrow we have another shoot with Bryant, I'm ready. We pack up all of our stuff and put it in the car, we drive to get breakfast, then go all the way back to my apartment, we take a nap, when we wake up it's around 5:45, we had to meet up with Bryant at 7, so we had some time before we had to meet up, but not too much, we got ready to go.
The shoot went good, I was really tired, but I can always edit them so we all don't look tired, we went back to my apartment and we all had to edit so much, we stayed up till 3:00 AM, which was not a good idea, we met up with Bryant at 4:00 PM, but we didn't wake up until noon, we got more awake when we turned on music, we got coffee and pressed juice on the way to the shoot, we decided to go to the beach, some coffee shops, flower shops, as well as hills and trails, we had to leave at 7:00 because Ellie had to catch a plane at 10 PM tonight, we drive back to my apartment and help Ellie pack her stuff, we were all really sad that she was leaving, but eventually we had to drive her to the airport, we took her as far as we were aloud to go, we all started to tear up, but then we all ended up crying,
"Awh, Hannah and I are going to come and visit soon! And aren't you planning on getting that apartment here for when you visit?" I say
"Yeah, I'm really excited, I'm gonna miss you though, I really love you guys." Ellie says, then we all group hug and Ellie walks to her gate, now it's just Hannah and I, we go to my apartment, Hannah and I continue to edit, I have to post tomorrow, I'm under so much stress, but I have to deal with talking to Ethan every other hour, which I don't mind, but I always have to film and edit, do photoshoots, hangout with friends, do online school, and now my parents expect me to always visit them in Boston.
Well, I did this instead of school work sooooo, anyways, enjoy!!

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