Chapter 59

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Graysons pov
I'm glad Emma and Ethan are back together, things with Hannah and I are going good, or at least I thought they were, she hasn't texted me back since I went back to Jersey,
Gray💙 hey, what's up?
Gray💙 wanna facetime?
Gray💙 : Missed FaceTime call
Gray💙 there's a good new scary movie coming out, wanna go see it when I get back?
Gray💙 I'm sorry for texting so much, did I do something wrong?
(2) Missed call from Gray💙
Gray💙 text me when you get the chance
Hannah 🤩♥️ I'm stressed, I'll FaceTime you when I can
Gray💙 oh.. okay.. is everything okay?
I didn't think I did anything wrong, I feel bad for annoying her, I just don't understand. I'll just wait till she ready.

Ethan's room is right by the stairs and my room is down the same hallway across from the guest room, the hallway is echoey so I can always here whatever's going on in Ethan's room, I don't really have to worry about, you know, noises, while Ethan's "sleeping" except when Emma's here, I've prepared myself and I've decided to sleep downstairs while she's in town, I still need my sleep.

I can't get comfortable on the couch, I'll just make a bed on the floor down there, but I need more blankets and pillows.

I'm gathering pillows and blankets from my room when I start the hear Ethan and Emma talking, I tried not to ease drop but their voices were getting louder, I open my door and walk to the bathroom and stand there to hear better "I wasn't thinking" I can hear Emma say, then its muffled, "I bumped into Sam and Colby then we filmed a video and got close." I knew this was about Colby, but it goes silent, then more muffled "Probably." I can hear Emma say, what are they talking about?

I hear someone stand up "at least I'm honest!" I hear Emma yell loudly "we should've talked about this before we got back together!" Ethan yells and walks out of his room, slamming the door behind him, Ethan runs down the stairs.

I feel bad, I'm gonna go check up on her. I creep out of the bathroom and walk to Ethan's room, I open the door and see Emma sitting on the bed with her face in the hands, she's crying, a lot. "Hey, I heard yelling, is everything okay?" I ask, she lifts her head and looks at my revealing tears running down her face and puffy eyes, she sniffs "I wish, god, I love Ethan so much and I don't see why Colby is such a big fucking deal, I love Ethan not Colby, I- I'm sorry for yelling and waking you up."
"Hey, no, it's fine, I wasn't asleep, I was grabbing things from my room to bring downstairs when I heard you guys, what happened?" I sit on the bed "I don't know, everything was fine then out of nowhere he started questioning me about Sam and Colby, I just told him the truth."
"Which is?" She sighs "I kissed Colby"
"Oh shit, Emma, I'll talk to Ethan, is that the only thing that happened?" I ask "yeah, I promise. Please help me, Gray. I need him."
"I will, I'll do everything I can. I'll be back."
"Thank you."

I go downstairs and Ethan's not down here, I start looking around the house, he's not downstairs, he's not in the basement, he's not in any rooms upstairs, he's not in the garage, his cars here, the only place he could be is the hideout.

I go back inside and grab my phone, I stop by E's room to check on Emma, i open the door slowly and see Emma sound asleep on Ethan's bed, she looks so peaceful, I won't wake her up.

I walk through the woods for what feels like forever, I take a Snapchat to show I'm walking through the woods at 12:30 at night, when I see the lights on in the hideout, gotcha. I post the Snapchat and walk up the the door, I open it and see Ethan sitting in on of the chairs with his face in his hands.

When he hears the door open he lifts his head, looking me in the eyes. He sits back and closes his eyes. "Ethan, we need to talk"
"I can't." He replies "we need to, Emma's heartbroken,"
"How do you think I feel!?" He yells. I sit on a chair next to him. "Ethan, I know how you feel, there's no way I can actually feel it or know exactly, but the way you and Emma looked at each other and acted, seeing you two push each other away doesn't just hurt you guys. It hurts me to, seeing my twin brother and my best friend both hurt at the same time, doesn't rest easy. I love you bro, but things have gone to far, you and Emma weren't on a break, you were broken up, she kissed someone else to forget about you. She's an amazing girl and if you don't go and get her back right now, some other guy will easily take her from you." He looks me in the eyes, "your right, I have to apologize, right now." He stands up, I grab his arm "what're you doing?" He asks "she's asleep, wait till she wakes up. Wait till she needs you." I say

Tuesday morning
Emma's pov
I wake up and rub my eyes, I look around and realize I'm at Ethan's house. I forgot I was here. Wait.. was the fight a dream?

Ethan walks in the room 5 minutes after I wake up, "Emma. I'm glad you're awake, can we talk?" Oh god, I'm scared "yeah, of course" I say and sit up, he sits down next to me "listen, last night was rough, I'm sorry for yelling and acting the way I did. I love you and I know there's nothing between you and Colby, I was just worried that you would go back to him and leave me." He looks down "Ethan, babe, it's okay. I love you, not him, I'm not going anywhere. Nothing can replace what we have"
"I love you too, but I'm hungry, wanna go get food?"
"I thought you'd never ask" I smile and kiss him

We go to a small diner about 10 minutes away from his house, it's 10:30 AM so there's kinda a lot of people here. We both get pancakes, we have a booth in the back corner of the diner so no one can see us. "Emma, our one year is on friday and I was curious on what you wanted to do."  Ethan says "well I was thinking we definitely post an Instagram picture, we could post a YouTube video on my channel since you share yours with Gray, and for like us wise, we could go to the beach or a nice dinner"
"That sounds perfect. And in the video we can add pictures and videos we couldn't show to our fans yet. But do you wanna be in LA, Boston, or Jersey?"
"Probably LA, if that's okay. I just have some things I need to do and my parents would make me stay home if I wasn't in LA."
"Okay, sounds good. I'll get plane tickets for probably tonight since we have to film and edit, I'll talk to gray when we get back to the house."

A few hours later were all three on our way back to LA, I'm staying the night at the twins' house. When we get there I bring my suitcase and anything else into Ethan's room, I plop myself onto Ethans bed. It's now 2:30 AM and we're all exhausted, "I'm gonna go make a snack, you want anything?" Ethan asks "water?"
"Of course" he walks out

My phone starts buzzing, I pick up my phone from the night stand and check it, the bright screen hurting my eyes.
Colby Brock hey, I saw you're back with Ethan, I'm really happy for you. I'm glad you're happy❤️
Emma chambieee thanks Colby, it means a lot. Hopefully we can hangout sometime
Colby Brock yeah, that'd be sweet, Sam and I enjoyed hanging out with you. It's up to Ethan
Emma chambieee he'll be okay, I'll talk to him about it. I'll talk to you tomorrow
That's totally not awkward at all.

A few minutes later Ethan comes back in the room with Cheez-it's and water. "You said you only wanted water but I know you love these." He tosses the box to me, he was right I really want them now.

We snack and watch a movie and cuddle for an hour, we both didn't stay awake to watch the ending of the movie.

I wake up in Ethan's arms, my head on his chest and my one arms draped across his stomach, I could get used to this again. I fall back asleep
No cliffhanger this time. I have a really good ending to this book, should I do it? Or keep on writing the story?? LET ME KNOW PLEASE

at first sight - ethan and emmaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin