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My favorite 3 days ever. I left New Jersey about 4 weeks ago and the twins just got back barley a week ago, their so excited to go to Coachella. Hannah and Ellie are staying with me all weekend. It's Thursday evening, Hannah and I are on our way to the airport to go get Ellie, I can't wait for the girdies to reunite. When we get to the airport there's so many people there, I'm not surprised, it's fucking Coachella weekend!! Hannah and I go to ellie's gate and wait for only like 15 minutes. Hannah and I are sitting chairs waiting for ellie when we see her, she runs and jumps into Hannah and I's arms,
"IVE MISSED YOY GUYS" she yells and we yell we miss you too.
We drive back to my apartment and grab Hannah and I's bags, lock up my apartment and drive to an Airbnb that Dote got us, Dote is also paying for us to go. I'm literally so excited because the twins and Bryant are staying with us in the Airbnb kinda, it's a house that's split, it's a 5 bedroom house, two on one side for the twins and three on the other side for Hannah, Ellie and I, but Bryant decided to come so the girls are sharing the two rooms that the twins were supposed to have.
When we get to the Airbnb the guys are already there, they've made themselves at home clearly, they put away their bags and went to the store, they only got junk food, I'll probably have someone go back and get some good stuff. When I see Ethan I run and jump into his arms, we fall onto the couch, i missed this, but not too long after the moment gets ruined by Hannah
"Yeah, yeah, we get it, it's only been a month since you've last seen eachother, and I would say get a room but we're sharing one and a house. Can it wait?" Everyone starts laughing, we get up and hangout with everyone till it was 11:30 pm, we needed to go to bed so we could wake up and wake energy for tomorrow. Ellie and I get ready for bed while Hannah's out in the living room finishing her movie. She takes a long time so Ellie and I quietly walk out there to find her, when we walk into the living room we see her asleep in Grays arms, and he asleep too, this may be the cutest thing I've ever fucking seen. Ellie turns to me and we start freaking out in a good way, but very quietly, we go back to our room and go to bed to let Hannah sleep with Gray.
Friday morning
It's 11:30, I just woke up and ellie's in the bathroom brushing her teeth, I walk in there.
"Hey, Ellie, I had the weirdest dream last night. Hannah and Grayson we're sleeping on the couch together, I deadass wish that would happen." Her eyes widen
"WHAT" I yell, we finish brushing our teeth and I put my hair in a bun real fast and we run to the kitchen, Hannah and Grayson are cooking pancakes and waffles  while Bryant's on his phone at the island.
"Look at those two love birds," Ellie says
"Oh shut up, who all saw that?" Hannah asks
"I didn't" Gray says and she playfully hits him,
"Oh, um, I did" Bryant says
"Obviously we both did," I say
"Oh shit, we're missing E, where is he?" I ask
"Sleeping, go wake him up." Gray says, I go to his room and I don't see him in his bed, I think he's in the shower I go back to the kitchen and eat breakfast till E comes out, it turns out he saw Hannah and Gray when he came out to get water last night
Coachella time ; day 1
Ethan and I plan on subtly twinning, we're both wearing bandannas, it's up to E if he wants to post pictures or not, but he probably won't and that's fine. My outfit is high wasted jean shorts, Air-Force ones, a crop top, and a bandanna. I brushed my hair one more time, put on some mascara and went out to the kitchen to meet up with everyone else, we all pretty much look the same, pretty basic, but Bryant's obviously wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt like he always does. We go out to the backyard and take some really cool pictures, I took a bunch with Ethan but they were all too obvious, at first I was the one who didn't wanna post anything but since the rumors started to get bigger he's been wanting to keep it more low key, which I don't mind, as long as I'm with him I'm happy.  Here's my outfit

  Here's my outfit

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at first sight - ethan and emmaWhere stories live. Discover now