Chapter 42

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Hannah's pov
I mean I'm not not interested in Gray, he's the sweetest, but we don't really hangout unless it's with Ethan and Emma, I would ask him if he wanted to do something sometime but with his dad I feel like it would be too much on his part,we've hung out here and there, like when Emma and Ethan are hanging out, we like to do bets, one time we bet how long it would take for them to compliment one another, Gray won, but I only had to pay him 5 bucks, and when Ethan took Emma out on that beach date Gray and I put it together, but he took all the credit, and last year at the trampoline park during CreatorCon he and I hung out. I mean, I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing if I asked him to go out sometime when he comes back to LA...
Emmas pov
Wednesday after I uploaded I took the best nap ever, but I miss Ethan, he's FaceTimed me like 4 times on Wednesday and I enjoyed it, but then I pulled an all-nighter because of my nap, and that messed up my plans for Thursday.
Thursday, I woke up,got ready, brought Hannah back to her house, said hi to her parents and catch up with them, then had to rush to Bryant's apartment, then I forgot my clothes that I wanted to change into when we went to different places, so on the way to the shoot we had to stop back to my apartment, I ran in, grabbed my bag of clothes, then we drove to the desert with all the equipment in the car, we were shooting for a couple hours, finally, at 9:30 PM, Bryant dropped me off at my apartment, and now, tomorrow morning, I have a plane to Boston to catch, and I'm not even packed,I should probably do that. I go into my closet downstairs and grab my suitcase and bring it upstairs, I go into my closet upstairs and pick out a bunch of random things, a lot of shorts, 2 pairs of jeans, so many shirts, 3 hoodies, 2 bathing suits, socks, shoes, toiletries, and some other random stuff, It's summer so I don't think I really need any coats,  I zip up my suitcase and bring it downstairs next to the door, while I'm down there I make coffee, and while that's brewing I got into the closet down there and find a carry on bag, I grab my Kanken and my coffee and go upstairs to pack my carry ons, I pack mascara, a charger, AirPods and headphones, a charger for my laptop, my actual laptop, my ipad, a scrunchie, and I put my neck pillow around it, I bring it downstairs next to my suitcase, I think I'm finally all packed. I was vlogging all of this, I decided it would be fun to do a travel vlog, but I forgot to do an intro, so I gotta do that.

Hey what's up you guys, tomorrow I am flying all the way to Boston, it's literally across the country, I decided to pack super last minute, but after a long week, I finally packed. I leave in less than 4 hours, but, it's fine. I also forgot to mention, I'm not only flying all the way to Boston, I'm flying straight to New Jersey from Boston to support my friends, Ethan and Grayson, I'm flying back to LA onnn, what like next Sunday? I don't know, at some point, I'll be back here. I forgot, I haven't even told you guys why I moved into my apartment, or why I'm going to Boston, that'll be a different video, but enjoy this and I'll see you soooonmnn.
I turn off the camera and I was about to FaceTime Ethan, but then I remember, it's like 4 AM in Jersey right now, It's 1 AM and I decided I should probably go to sleep, I turn on an alarm for 4:30.
4:30 AM Friday morning
My alarm just went off and I am so tired, I get up, make my bed, get in the shower, put on a hoodie, athletic shorts, Nike socks,Air Force ones and put my hair in a braid, I turn off all my lights and go downstairs, I make coffee but while it's brewing I go on the couch and check my phone, it's still really early in Jersey right now so I can't FaceTime Ethan, I miss him so much, no one has any idea how happy I am that I get to see him soon, it's around 5:15 and I need to go to the airport, I'm still vlogging so I film my whole morning, I double check I didn't leave anything, lock my door and bring my suitcase and bag to my car, I drive to the airport, when I get there I have some time so I get coffee, snacks, and I text my mom and tell her I'm about to board the plane, she responds instantly so she's obviously happy to know I'm coming. When I get on the plane I get the window seat and the whole row all to myself, I'm glad, I don't want some random person sitting next to me, when I was at the airport there was surprisingly a lot of fans there, I was surprised, I didn't know a lot of people actually flew this early, I met this girl and she said she came to LA hoping to see me, she said she was so upset that she didn't, and she legit met me the day she was leaving, it was such a cute experience, she actually had a fan page for me so I obviously followed it. The plane ride is around 6 hours, I turn on a movie and fall asleep to it, I woke up just when we landed, I called my mom and told her I just landed, she said she was already here and waiting for me, I check the time and it's noon, which means I can FaceTime Ethan, finally! I get off the plane, grab my luggage, and find a quiet place so I can FaceTime Ethan real quick, I sit down and call him, it rings a few times, but no answer. I figured he's probably still asleep, because when isn't he. I find my mom,
"Emma, Honey, you've changed so much since the last time I've seen you!" She says, she almost sounds like she's on the verge of crying
"It's only been six months mom, not much I could've changed." I say
"Oh, I almost forgot!" She exclaims, I raise my eyebrow
"Forgot what?" I ask
"Your dads birthday gift, remember I said I got you and your dad something, it's ready to be picked up, I'm sure your going to like it and it'll probably even make you visit more."
"Oh, um, okay." I'm kinda nervous, but we walk to her car, I put my stuff in the car, when I sit down my mom had to take a business call, I sat there listening to music while I waited for my mom, then Ethan FaceTimes me,
Good morning babe he has hottest morning voice.

Good morning, I'm glad you called. I miss you

I miss you too, where are you ?

I'm at the airport, I just landed in Boston

Yayy, how was the flight?

It was good, I had the whole row to myself  i laugh

Haha, only 2 more days.

Too far away. I'm just glad we have the same time zone now

Same, now we can FaceTime all the time

You know it, I can hear gray walking in the room and say something

Sorry, Em, I gotta go, my mom made breakfast and I have to get ready, see you sooon!

Okay, I love you

Love you too
I waited for a little till my mom got back in the car,
"Sorry, Em, the company's at an all time high, there's so many people calling and making deals." Way to brag mom.
"That's great."
"Yeah, it is! Also, I called the person we're picking the gift up from, he said it's all ready to go, so we're going there right now."
"Okay..." I say, I vlog it, but then we're in the car for what feels like forever, we finally get to this really nice neighborhood, but I'm very confused, we pull into a driveway,
"Mom this is sketchy as fuck"
"Emma, it is not. I'll be right back."
"Umm Okay.." she comes out 5 minutes later, she just has something in her purse.
"Mom I'm confused what is it?"
"Well, it's our new addition to our family.." she pulls out the cutest puppy ever
"Awh, I'm glad you liked it, but I have one more surprise for only you, it'll be a while but I think we should drop this little guy off at the house, go shopping, then I'll take you shopping, how's that?"
"Perfect!" We drive to the house, it's huge. It literally looks bigger than our old house and I'm not even living in this one, we surprise my dad with the puppy and he loves it. My mom shows me around the new house and brings me to my room, it's already decorated with pictures, furniture, a tv, but it's a little smaller than my old room, but like twice the size of my room at my apartment, when I'm done looking around my mom decides to take me shopping to find clothes that I can keep here, we go to the mall and I get a lot of clothes, we get hungry so we leave and go to this cute little shop, while we're waiting I wanna call Ethan, he doesn't answer, that's weird, but we eat and leave, we finally make it back to the house, my moms acting funny,
"Mom, whats going on?"
"I have a surprise for you, trust me."
"Okay," She walks me into the house and makes me close my eyes, she takes me to what feels like my room,
"Okay, open your eyes in three, two, one, open!" I open my eyes to Ethan standing in front of my bed holding roses and the puppy, I run to him and hug him,
"What are you doing here?!"
Sorry I kept you waiting, and I'm sorry this was kinda boring, I was in writers block even though I knew what I wanted to write.. Anywaysss I hope you enjoyed and there's more to come!!

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