Chapter 35

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Ethan's pov
"Oh my god, Ethan, where were you?" I roll my eyes flop my body back
"Ethan? What's wrong?" She sits on the bed
"Emma, I think Ethan needs some space." please.
"No." Of course.
"Im not leaving till I get an answer."
"I should go." Grayson says, I wait till I hear the door close till I sit up again. I'm looking her in the eyes now, her eyes, they're so pretty. They start to tear up, what have I done.
"Emma, don't cry."
"I can't help it, just tell me what's wrong."
"I saw you and Gray."
"Today, earlier."
"When did you come by?"
"Hm maybe when you guys were cuddling together."
"Oh my god, Ethan, you weren't supposed to be there then. I wouldn't have fallen asleep if I knew you were coming."
"Did you guys do anything?" My jaw drops
"No, Ethan, Of course not. I would never do that to you." I give her a hug.
"I need to go apologize to Gray, emma."
"Can it wait? I just want to lay here with you."
"Yeah, definitely." He lay under the covers and cuddle, we both end up falling asleep.
Emmas pov
                        Earlier that day
I accidentally fell asleep on Grayson, but I had the weirdest dream. So I was sleeping on Grayson, and he was asleep too, and Ethan comes up the stairs to my room and sees us and storms off. If Ethan actually saw us he would be so so upset, he would probably never talk to me again, I don't even know how I would begin to tell him. When I woke up Grayson was still sitting there, he was on his phone now though,
"Hey, your finally awake." He chuckles
"Yeah, How long was I asleep?"
"Long time, I fell asleep not to long after you. But around 3 hours."
"Wow, I could still sleep for at least 3 make hours."
"Oh I believe it." We laugh
"I gotta go, Ethan's probably going crazy in his room."
"Okay, bye gray."
"Bye emma." He grabs his phone, keys, and puts on his shoes then yells up the stairs,
"Em, do you want me to lock the door?"
"Yes please."
"You got it." I roll over and where he was sleeping smells like him, he actually smells good for moving around furniture all day. I'm starting to doze off again so I close my eyes, and around 10 minutes later my phone starts ringing, it's Grayson.
Hey Gray, what's up?

Ethan's not here. Is he there with you?"

No... I'll text him

I've tried, he's not even answering my calls, he's always on his phone. I've called Bryant, James, and jack but he's not with any of them. I'm worried.

Don't be, maybe he's at the store.

He's not, he hates leaving the house if he doesn't want to.

Have you checked the guest house?

Yes, and the backyard, the pool, and I would've seen him if he went on a run.

Is his car there?

I'm so dumb, I haven't even checked.

Go do that.

Okay. He gets up and goes to the garage, he's breathing really hard. He's so worried.
Emma, it's not here. Where could he be?

I'm not sure, do you want me to come over and help?

No, he's my brother, I shouldn't have left him all day alone. Thanks though.

Yeah, no, anytime. I hope you find him, call me when you do. Bye Gray

Bye emma.
Where the hell Ethan be? I'm still tired but I'm worried, he's probably at a party or something, nothing to be worried about really. So I accidentally fall asleep. A few hours later Gray's calling me again.

Emma, he's still not back.

Oh my gosh, I'll be over soon.


Okay, let me get coffee and wake a little, I'll be over in 20.

Thank you, I hear a door open in the back. Then muffled talk.
Ethan. Where were you?

Wait ethans there???

Yeah, he just got here.

I'm on my way.
I grabbed my keys and slipped on some Air Force ones and pretty much ran out the door, there wasn't a lot of traffic on the way, when I got there I didn't even knock, I went right in, I didn't see them in the living room so I went to Ethans room, I saw him sitting there.
"Oh my god, Ethan, where were you?" He rolls his eyes and flops back, I'm not understanding, in some way I feel as if this is my fault. Grayson leaves and E and I talk for a little, everything ended up being ok, but we fell asleep. I've never felt more happiness in my life than in his arms right now. I woke up the next morning to Gray trying to wake up Ethan,
"Hey your up," He says
"Why don't you help me?"
"sure." I say, still tired. I shake him a little since my brain isn't working,
"Gray, what time is it?"
"Grayson, that's way too early."
"Not really"
"Whatever." I check my phone and I have a text from my mom
Hey, em, your dad and I are leaving tomorrow and we wanted to come by and see your apartment. Do you think we could come by around noon?

Sure, that's fine.
Looks like I have to leave,
"Ethan," I shake him
"I have to leave." He opens his eyes a little then turns toward me,
" my parents are coming to my apartment."
"Okay, FaceTime me later?"
"Definitely." I give him a kiss, then get out of bed.
"Bye guys,"
"Byeee." They say, I go to the kitchen and find my keys then go to my car. When I get to my house I throw away all of the boxes from the furniture and stuff then I get in the shower, when I get out I throw on a sweatshirt and comfy shorts. I get out my camera and start filming an apartment tour, right when I finish my parents get here, I'm kinda nervous for them to see it. I go to the door and they walk in and I give them hugs.
"Hey guys, come sit on the couch."
"Okay." My mom says, I can tell my dad doesn't really want to be here.
"Do you guys want anything? Water? Coffee?"
"Waters fine." They say, i go and get them some water.
"Emma." My dad says
"We're leaving tomorrow, your going to be responsible for yourself."
"I know. I can do it."
"Honey, are you sure. You can still come with us. We bought a wonderful house, a little smaller than the old one, but always a room for you, and even a studio room." My mom says
"Mom, that sounds amazing, but I can't leave Ethan, or Hannah, Grayson, and even James. I have friends now, I have a life here. I just can't leave, even if I wanted to."
"Please tell us your going to visit though."
"Well, Of course."
"Good, you can bring, what's his name,Ethan? And Hannah."
"Um." My dads says
"The boy stays in a different room."
"I know, dad."
"Just making sure." We talk for another hour then they had to leave
"Bye mom, I'll see you soon, my birthdays not too far away you know." We laugh and I hug them both goodbye
"Bye dad."
"Bye Emma, be careful."
"I will, bye." They leave then I go upstairs to edit.
The ending was so boring, my bad lol.

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