Chapter 45

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Emmas pov
I feel terrible for Ethan, I wish I could be with him right now and hold him, but the only thing I can do is talk to him over the phone, luckily I fly to see him tomorrow.  My mom and I arrive at that restaurant, she wasn't kidding when she said it was fancy, I felt under dressed. We walk in and see my dad, we walk over to his booth.
"Hey girls," He says
"Emma, you look nice." He says to me
"Thanks." He's never complemented me before
"Have a seat." He moves over and makes room, my mom sat next to him and I sit on the other side by myself.
"Take a minute, look, and you can get whatever you want." I pick up the menu, literally everything is over $20, I've never been to a place more expensive, it's weird, I just feel like I have to get something that sounds fancy. I get pasta, it's not fancy but it's the only thing that I recognize on here. Around an hour passes and no ones really said much, my mom and dad just talked about business while I listened, eventually everyone was done.
"So, Emma, have you talked to Ethan?" My dad asks
" yeah, I talked to him right before we left."
"Oh, okay, what time are you planning on leaving tomorrow?"
"Um, around 5:30 in the morning, my plane leaves at 7."
"And your going where?"
"Jersey, to support Ethan and his family"
"What happened?"
"His dad had cancer, I was hoping to see him before he passed but I was a day late."
"Oh my god, that's terrible." He says
"Yeah, please say we're sending prayers." My mom says
"I will." I say
"Well, then this might be a bad time," my dad says, my mom shoots him a look, it's the look where she's saying, Do Not Say It, my mom hardly ever sends it, and I think I might probably already know why.
"What is it?" I ask
"Emma, we miss you so much." Here we go.
"Okay? And?" I say
"I think it would be best if you stay here, with us, and Grant."
"Absolutely not. I'm not leaving Ethan, especially at a time like this. There's no way."
"I knew you would say that, and you don't have to tell him. Just leave, Emma. Pack up your stuff and leave."
"Are you out of your mind? Your crazy." I say
"Emma, you don't have to, I didn't think your father would want you to just leave, I never agreed to that." My mom buds in
"Then what did you agree to?" I ask
"I agreed to ask, I knew you would say no. Here," she hands me her car keys,
"Why don't you drive yourself back to the house, cool off, get some rest."
"Oh, okay. Thank you?" I'm so surprised at the moment, but I take the keys, grab my phone and bag then walk away, they say nothing. I drive back to the house and go straight to my room, I grab my suitcase from under my bed and put it on the bed, I open it then go to my closet and grab the clothes I brought here, I leave some of them and "exchange" them for some of the clothes I bought. I have everything packed and now I just have to pack my carry on, I pack everything I brought except for my laptop and my toothbrush, I still need those. I check the time and it's 9 pm, I'll just edit. A few hours pass and it's 2:11 am, I heard my parents come in the front door like 3 hours ago but they haven't come upstairs yet. I continue to edit but Ethan calls me,

Hi, how are you?

I've been better obviously, I just really want you here.

I leave my house in, oh shoot,I leave my house in 3 hours.

Oh, you should probably get some sleep then.

Yeah, probably, unless you needed something

Nothing that can't wait, my love.

Okay, well I love you. I'll see you shortly.

I love you too, can't wait.
I hang up, I literally saw him two days ago and I already miss him. I'm only getting two hours to sleep and the plane ride is just less than an hour but I really don't feel like driving 5 hours. I put my laptop back in my carry on, plug my phone in and go to sleep.

I wake up the next morning at 4:50 right before my alarm, I thought it was my alarm and I tried to hit snooze but it didn't stop, I checked my phone when it wouldn't stop, Ethan was FaceTiming me,
Hey babe

Hey, where are you? He asks

My bed, why

Just wondering, when will you be here?

Ethan it's 4 in the morning, why are you up?

I don't know, I can't sleep, too much on my mind, you know, I'm still processing what happened.

Yeah, I get it. I'll be there soon, I'm leaving at 5:30 and I board at 7:00, then I'll be there at around 8:30.

Sweet, I can't wait. Can I see Grant?

Of course, he's at the end of my bed. He misses you. I flip the camera

Ugh, I miss him a lot. Not more than you of course

Mhm sure.

Oh, how's that picture of us doing? I haven't been on social media since I posted yesterday

Um, idk let me check. I go on Instagram and check, it's no joke got a million likes and over 600,000 comments

How are the fan accounts?

Insane, there's like over a million posts saying 'ethma'

Awh, that's cute. When are we announcing it?

Um, I don't know, I thought it would be cute if we posted for our one year, like some cheesy caption

Sounds perfect. I'll let you go and get ready and eat, I can't wait to see you.

Okay, I love you, see you soon.

See ya, love you.
I hang up and go to my closet, I grab grey joggers, Ethan's vans hoodie, and Air Force ones. I brush my teeth, grab my carry on and my suitcase and go downstairs, my moms making breakfast while my dads reading the newspaper, I get down and put my stuff at the end of the stairs,
"Hey guys."
"Hey honey, I'm making pancakes." My mom says
"Sweet, I'm hungry."
"Have a seat." I sit down at the bar next to my dad
"Hey, Em, your leaving?"
"Yeah, in 10 minutes."
"Alright sweetie."
"I'll miss you both." He doesn't say anything, of course he doesn't, he doesn't know how to carry on a conversation. I get up and go to the bathroom, I don't have to go but I wanted to already get away, I pull out my phone and go to the mirror and take a picture on snapchat, I caption it 'finally leaving,bye boston'  This has been one of the craziest trips ever, can't wait till I have to come back. I walk out of the bathroom and sit back down, my mom hands me a plate with a pancake on it and gives me a cup of iced coffee,
"Thanks mom"
"No problem, we can go ahead and leave whenever your ready."
"Okay" I eat real fast because I just want to leave,
"I'm ready." I say around 10 minutes later
"Okay, the keys are on the hook by the front door, go bring your bags to the car, I'll meet you there." I pick up the my bags and go to the front door and grab the keys
"Bye dad, I love you."
"Love you"He stands up and walks to me,
"Bye, Emma, be careful, see you soon." He says
"Yeah, I'll try and come back after Coachella sometime."
"Sounds great, have fun."
"I can try, Tell mom I'm in the car"
"Okay." I walk out the door with my bags, I unlock the car and put my stuff in the trunk, start the car, and text Ethan.
Hey babe, I'm omw to the airport now, be there soon❤️❤️

Okay, I'm taking a nap, I told Gray to wake me up in 30

Okay, can't wait!

Me either.
My moms taking forever so I turn on my vlog camera, I say that I'm on my way to the airport again and where I'm going, after 5 minutes my mom finally gets in the car, we drive about 25 minutes until we get there, my mom takes me as far as she can go and we say our good byes, I get to my terminal and board the plane, I text Ethan but I cant check my phone before we land. I edit until I feel the plane landing, I save and exit and pack up my stuff till we're aloud to get off, I text Ethan that I landed but he hasn't texted back, I'm not surprised if he's still asleep, I'll go get my bags and call an Uber. I get off the plane and go to baggage claim and get my suitcase, I sit down on the chairs and text Ethan again, but he doesn't text back again so I know he's asleep still, I order an Uber but it won't be here for 20 minutes so I go walk around and try to find a coffee shop, when I do I take it to go and walk around till I see someone who's looks familiar, he looks like Ethan, wait, but it's not Ethan. I walk up and tap him on the shoulder, he turns around,
"Grayson? What're you doing here?"
Hi.... I'm back

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