Chapter 31

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Emmas pov
"I'm not moving to Boston." I can't tell if I'm mad or upset, it's just a lot of both.
"Guys no. I can't leave Hannah and Ethan, I have friends now. I'm not leaving."
"Em, honey, I'm afraid it's the only choice. Your not old enough to live on your own" my mom keeps saying her words in a nice and soft tone, it's really not helping.
"Guys seriously there has to be something, can't you just make the company here?"
"Emma, Boston is the best choice, right now the only choice, you can make new friends, maybe even go to a public school."
"No, I don't want to."
"Emma there is no other option, you to young to live on your own, you don't have a steady job, and you don't have the money to live here in this house. I'm sorry." At this point I can't hold back the tears anymore, I'm crying a lot.
"Mom, dad, I would do anything. Is there anything?" They look at eachother.
"Honey, you need a job, you don't have one." I do have a job, Youtube. I just hope my dad sees it that way
"Dad, Youtube. YouTube's my job, I get paid, I can easily get supported."
"Emma, this house is far too big for yourself, and YouTube certainty isn't going to pay for this house. I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do, you're going to Boston." My face is heating up again, tears are still coming out of my eyes but I'm not saying anything. I grab my phone and storm upstairs to my room without saying anything, I left all my bags downstairs I definitely did not want to carry those right now. I get in my room, it weird being in here, I haven't been in here for so long I'm shocked on how big it actually is, my bed is huge, it has all white sheets and black pillows, at the end of the bed lays 2 really fuzzy blankets and my MacBook, my bed is sitting along the wall near my makeup vanity, I barely use it anymore since there's so many pictures on it, then on the wall next to it I have so many pictures of Hannah it's crazy, on the next wall I have a desk where I do school work with my Mac computer, next to that is my tv stand, with books and pictures all around it and fake plants, on the other wall is a two door room, it's my bathroom, but as you keep walking in there's another door and it leads to my walk in closet. I don't want to go to Boston, I don't want to let this all behind. I walk around my room, i drag my fingers along my fluffy blankets, I stare at all the picture along my walls and on my desk's, then I walk into my bathroom, it's huge, I stare at myself in the mirror, I pull out my phone and took a quick picture for my ig story, I post it with a sad gif, not sure why. I then walk into my closest and stare at all my clothes I have, I start crying, I sit down on the ground and start crying. After awhile I finally stand up and lay on my bed, I'm just staring up at the ceiling, I hear my phone start to vibrate, someone's calling me but I don't care enough to answer it so it keeps ringing, it stopped for a minute, then it rings again, I looked at my phone and it was Ethan face timing me, I hesitate to answer.
Hey em, everything okay?
I guess. He stares blankly for a moment

You know you can talk to me about anything right? His voice is so calming, I can feel a lump in my throat. I don't snag to cry again

Yes ethan, everything is fine.

I- did I do something to upset you? I thought what we talked about was done, I thought we were fine.
Ethan, you did nothing wrong just stop Okay?

Oh, um- okay. Gosh, now I feel terrible, he was only trying to help.

I'm sorry E, I'm really stressed, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Can you and Gray come over? I need to talk to tell you guys what's going on.

Yes Emma, Of course. We'll do anything.

Great, thank you so much. I'm also going to have James and Hannah over, I want them to know to.

Okay, we will be there, I hope everything's ok.

It is E, thank you, your the best ever. See you tomorrow.

Okay bye. We both blow a kiss, then I hung up, how do I already miss him?
I fell asleep after me and Ethan's call, I woke up and my suitcase was in from of my tv stand. I lay in my bed for a little while, check my phone and everything, I finally decide to get up and move my suitcase to my closet, there's a note attached to it, it read,
emma, your dad and I had to go to work to do some last minute deals, I'm sorry Boston is the only choice, I love you!
I role my eyes and bring my suitcase to my closest, I'm getting hungry and it's 11:30, I go to the kitchen and make a bagel, I eat and edit for a little, I get a text from Ethan
Hey, when do you want us all to come over?

Soon please, I'll text you.

The front door opens and it's Hannah, I'm so happy to see her I yell,
"Hannahhhhh!!" We hug
"Emmaaaaa! What's been going on? Why'd you need me over?" I jump onto the couch and she follows,
"Hannah this is like impossible for me to say, but my mom and dad want to move their company to an actual building."
"Oh my gosh! Emma?! That's amazing!" I just stare at her
"Emma? What's wrong? Where at...?"
"Boston." Her jaw drops, her face starts to get red, she doesn't cry, but she's definitely hurt.
"Emma, just live with me. Please."
"I tried, my parents wont let me. They say I need to go with them since I can't afford this house with my YouTube money."
"Emma, no, don't leave me.." tears start rolling down my face
"Emma, just get an apartment, and stay here." Why the hell did I not think of that, I'm so stupid. I start laughing, Hannah looks so confused.
"Han, I can do that, and I will" She's smiling now, I can tell it's only because I'm laughing. I hug her and we talk about random things for a good hour, I didn't even notice my phone went off so much Ethan, James, and Grayson are knocking on my door. I get up and answer it, as soon as Ethan sees me he starts smiling. I get them all something to drink, I can tell Hannah feels awkward since she's still in shock about meeting them, she was such a big fan of them before and now she's forced to hanging out with them because of me, eventually we all go up to my room, I'm telling them the story while they look around the whole. entire. room. Grayson and Hannah are the only ones sitting on the bed with me since they've already been here before, after these few months of knowing them Ethan has never been in my room,
"Oh my god, there's so many pictures of Hannah in here." Ethan says with a laugh
"Well Yeah, she was my only friend till you guys came along." After a few hours of everyone being here everyone besides Hannah leaves, an hour after they leave my parents get home, Hannah and I go downstairs and sit on the couch until my dad gets downstairs, when he does we all sit around the couch and propose the idea of me living in an Apartment
this one was long, but was it worth the wait? Probably not lol, anyways see ya soon!!!

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