Hi, Big Brother!

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Anastasia's POV
I just arrived home from college. I told Uncle Hank that I'll be coming back and work with him. Well, he told me that he'll have an Android with him. It was the same one with saved a little girl from a deviant. It was on tv. I do have to admit, he is kinda hot. But both Androids fall from the roof. That scared the shit outta me. Well, I don't wanna know what happens after. Let's put it in the past.

November 5th, 2038, 10:03 A.M.
I arrived early to visit my big brother, Markus. He has been there for me since my family and my cousin died. He's the only person who understands me. Unlike other people.

"Ana. What an unexpected surprise. Come in." Markus invited me in. And I have him a hug.

"It's so nice to see you again!" I giggled as he hugs me back.

When we let go, I noticed his clothes were torn a bit.

"Markus, what happen to your clothes?" I asked.

"Don't worry. It was just some demonstrators in the street, Ana." He said.

"They better not have hurt you, Markus." I snarled.

We walked to where Carl was at. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hello, Anastasia. It's so nice to see you again. And all grown up." We both hugged.

"Nice to see you too." I smiled.

"What's your verdict, Markus?" Carl asked.

"Yes, there is something about it. Something I can't quite define. I guess I like it." Markus said.

"Me too!" I giggled.

"The truth is I have nothing left to say anymore....each day that goes by brings me closer to the end....I'm just an old man clinging to his brushes." Carl said.

"Carl..." both Markus and I said.

"But enough about me....let's see if you have any talent. Give it a try. Try painting something." Carl said.

"Paint? But, what I...painting what?" Markus said, sounding confused.

"Don't tell me you're scared." I smirked.

"I'm not!" He respond and I laughed.

""Anything you want. Give it a try." Carl said.

"Come on, Markus! Paint something real good!" I encourage him.

He did and after a minute, he's finished.

"That is a perfect copy. Of reality. But painting is not about replicating the world, it's about interpreting it, improving it, showing something you see." Carl explained.

"Carl, I don't...think I can do that. It's not in my program..I..." "Don't, Markus. You can do it." I said.

"Go on, go, try, grab that canvas." Markus took the canvas down and replace it with a new one.

"Do something for me, for us, close your eyes. Trust me." Markus nodded before closing his eyes.

"Try to imagine something that doesn't exist. Something you've never seen. Now, concentrate on how it makes you feel...and your hand drift across the canvas." Carl encourages Markus and he did paint. After he finished, I smile big. "So fucking cool!" It was two hands, reaching for each other. Darkness and light. Then, the slide doors open and Leo steps out.

"Hey, Dad." Leo greets.

"Leo...I didn't hear you come in." Now, I'm becoming suspicious.

"Ah, I was in the neighborhood...I thought I'd stop by...it's been awhile, right?"

"You all right?" I took a couple steps back as Carl rolls his chair back. Leo steps closer. "You don't look so good."

"Oh yeah, yeah, I'm fine...hey listen, uh...I need some cash, dad." Of course, red ice.

"Again? What happened to the money I just gave you?" Leo fidgets a bit which freaks me out. I may be a cop by I don't want to hurt him. But I may have to.

"Uh, well, it just goes, you know?" Leo said.

"Yeah..yeah, you're on it again, aren't you?" I thought Leo would quit but I should've known.

"No, no, no, I swear it's not that...."

"Don't lie to me, Leo!"

"What difference does it make? I just need some cash, that's all!"

"Sorry...the answer's no."

"What? Why?" Leo asked, taking a step forward while I pull Carl's wheelchair back.

"You know why." Then, Leo looks at me and Markus with hatred.

"Yeah, yeah....I think I do know why. You rather pay for some bimbo's course just so she can be like her uncle." I want to fuckin' beat him so bad. "A bimbo who isn't your daughter."
Then, he stares at Markus. "You'd rather take care of your plastic toy here than your own son, eh. Tell me dad, what's it got that I don't? It's smarter? More obedient? Not like me, right? But you know what? This thing is not your son. IT'S A FUCKING MACHINE!" Then, Leo pushes Markus.

"Leo, that's enough. ENOUGH!" Leo turned to us.

"You don't care about anything expect yourself and your goddamn paintings. You've never loved anyone. You've never love me, Dad....you've never love me." Leo said and he finally leaves.

"Are you okay, Markus?" I asked.

"I am fine, Ana." He said plainly.

"Don't listen to that idiot, Markus. You are not some freaky toy. He is right about one thing. You are not like him. You're better." I said as I smile at him.

I notice his LED light change color. It was yellow for a moment then turned back to blue.

"Thank you, Ana. I appreciate that." Markus smiled at him."

"Are you okay, Carl?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Ana. Its fine." He gave me a smile.

"Don't listen either, Carl. You're the best and Leo is so dumb and blind that he doesn't see how much you care." Carl gave me a hug and I hug him back.

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