It's Time...

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November 9th, 2038; 12:04 PM

Markus' POV

I looked out to the city. It was snowy. I went to the piano that was on the side, playing a bit before I stopped. I look back at the city when I heard footsteps behind me.

"I was wondering where you were." North said.

"I needed to think." I said, walking back to her.

"I like it here. I come here often...It's like being alone with the world. We freed hundreds of our people, and they're still coming from all over the city. Those who dream of freedom come to Jericho..." I sat down. "Something's changing. You seem preoccupied..."

"They all obey me, they follow me without question... and that much power feels good... and scary at the same time." I said, looking down.

"All the media are talking about what we did last night. The humans are terrified. They're afraid of a civil war. Many of our people were burned in response to what happened. The humans hate us." I looked at her as she looked at me. "They'll never give us our freedom."

"No, not all humans are the same. Some of them understand that they can't stop us from becoming free forever."

"You haven't said much about yourself since you've been with us. What was you life before Jericho?" I looked back to the view of the city.

"I was caring for an old man. He was like a father to me. Then, I took care of this young woman, she was like a little sister to me. They showed me that humans and androids can live together." I turned to her. "What about you? You never told me about your past, what did you do before?"

"I don't want to talk about it." She said, looking down.

"That android you were looking at in the store." She looked at me. "She reminded you of who you were, didn't she?" She looked away again. "North, we're fighting together. We have to know things about each other to trust each other."

"I was nothing. A doll in a distributor programmed to satisfy humans." She looks at me again. "Just a toy designed to their pleasure.." She looks down to take a deep breath then looks back at me. "One day, I was with man who'd rented me...and without knowing why, realized I couldn't take it anymore....I strangled him....and ran away." She looks down again. "There, now you know everything." She took deep breaths again. "I shouldn't have told you." I went closer to her holding her hand. She looked at me and I looked at her as our hands connect then we both push back.

"I....I saw your memories...Carl's house. When they left you for dead in the studio...That woman....Ana who cried for you."

"I saw your memories too. The Eden Club. The death of that man, I felt like I was there with you." I took a step but she ran away. "North!" I was confused.

After a while, I decided to go down. I walked down the hall to see Simon. I walked to him and pulled him to a hug.

"Ana said hi and saying she'll be seeing you soon." Simon told me.

I felt joy to hear from her. I must let the others know so they don't attack her.


November 9th, 2038; 4:20 PM

Ana's POV

"You're off the case. Both of you. The FBI is taking over."

"What?!" Uncle Hank and I both yelled as we looked at each other.

"You can't be serious? The fucking FBI?!" I yelled.

"But we're onto something! We...we just need more time. I'm sure we can-"

"Hank, you don't get it. This isn't just another investigation, it's a fucking civil war! It's out of our hands now. We're talking about national security here." Jeffery said.

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