Eden Club

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Ana's outfit

November 6, 2038; 8:17 P.M.

Ana's Hair Style

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Ana's Hair Style

Ana's POV
After I got my hair done, I went home and changed my clothes. I got several missed calls from Connor. I was about to call him when Jeffery called me. Explaining that there is a case with an android at a club. I got in the taxi and now I'm here. Eden club. How convenient....

"Sexiest androids in town. Now I know why you insisted on coming here!" I turn around, seeing Uncle Hank and Connor. Connor saw me and came over.

"I see you're here, Ana. Now I know why you didn't bother answering. Looks good."

"Thanks, Uncle Hank. This place gives me the shivers." I said as we walked forward to the door as they slid open.

"You look nice, Ana." Connor says. I blushed as I look away.

"T-Thank you."

"Welcome to Eden Club." I looked both side seeing androids naked only wearing underwear. The male androids are extremely hot, something I can't lie. I didn't know I was spacing out until I felt someone grabbing my wrist and pulled me away. It was Connor and he was pulling me to Uncle Hank.

"Ana! What are you doin'?"

"Sorry, Uncle. You know how I am." I said, blushing. Connor was looking at me with a weird look on his face. His LED was red, then yellow, the back to blue.

"Hey, Hank! Anastasia!"

"Hi Ben." I waved at him.

"Hey Ben, how's it goin'?"

"It's that room there. Oh, uh, by the way. Gavin's in there too." Oh boy....

"Oh, great! A dead body and an asshole, just what I needed.." we walked into the room.

"Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet....what the fuck you two doin' here! Oh and the girl in my nightmares." I laughed sarcastically.

"We've been assigned all cases involving androids."

"Oh, yeah? Well, you're wasting your time. Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle." Gavin laughed at his joke.

"Well have a look anyway. If you don't mind." Uncle Hank said.

"Come on, let's go." Gavin started to walk to us. "It's, uh, starting to drink booze in here." He said, walking and purposely hitting Connor on the shoulder. "At least your at your place, where you belong."

I punch Gavin in the shoulder and hissed, "Watch it, Reed." He smacked his lips before walking out, rubbing his shoulder.

"Night, Lieutenant, Night Sergeant." The officer said. I nodded and waved at him.

I notice Connor crouch down beside the android and swipe some of the liquid off of her face with two fingers...before he lick it!

"Again, gross!" I nearly gagged.

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