The Chase Part 2

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Ana's POV
"Hey, Connor!" Uncle Hank yells. I yawned as I look at Connor, who is still in the elevator. "You ran out of batteries or what?"

"I'm sorry, I was making a report to Cyberlife."

"Uh...well do you plan on staying in the elevator?"

"No! I'm coming." Connor said as he walks out.

"What do you know about this guy?" Uncle Hank asks.

"Not much, just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a LED under his cap." Must be a deviant then.

"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops." I nodded as I look around. "Hey, were you really makin' a report back there in the elevator? Just by closing your eyes?"

"Correct." Connor said, leaning down to analyzing a feather.

"That's cool." I spoke.

"Wish I could do that." Uncle Hank said. Yeah! No more paperwork!

"Anymore home? up! Detroit Police!" I heard movement. I pull out my gun, getting ready as Uncle Hank got in front of me.

"Stay behind me." He spoke.

"Got it." I said, just as Connor was pulling me behind him. Ah, come on!

Uncle Hank kicked the door opened and we enter the room.

"What the fuck is this?!" I turned around, about to go to him till I bumped into Connor, making me fall. He grabbed my hand, pulling me up. I blushed as I walked towards Uncle Hank. This room is filled with pigeons. "Jesus, this place stinks..."

I walked around until I spotted a poster. IFD? Urban Farms Detroit. I noticed the corner having a little fold. I ripped it off, showing a hole. A book is there so I grabbed it and skimmed through it. I couldn't understand any of it at all.

"Found something?" Uncle Hank asks me.

"I don't know. I found a notebook with stuff that I don't even understand."
I spoke.

"R.T. Probably initials." Connor said, looking at something.

"He wrote his initials on his jacket. That's something I remember your sisters doing when you went to middle school." Pretty much that. I grabbed a card from the shelf. It must be a fake driver's license, but it has his name.

"R.T. stands for Rupert Travis. Must be his name. The license is fake thought." I spoke.

Connor came over and scanned it, then nods in agreement. "At least we're didn't came here looking for nothing." I said as I put it down and went to the bathroom.

I found rA9 written all over the walls, over and over again. "Any idea what it means?" Uncle Hank asked.

"rA9...written 2,471 times." Connor said.

"It's the same sign from Ortiz's shower walls." I said, moving back.

"Why are they obsessed with this sign?" Connor asked.

That one android said rA9 will dent them free. That may be why they are so obsessed with this, he or she will be the one who set's them free from slavery. And I hope that would happen.

"Looks like a maze or something." Uncle Hank said.

"I said it was like a puzzle, but I guess maze makes a lot more sense." I spoke.

I notice a little wooden stool knocked over and saw a marker. Must be the same color.

"Connor, can you scan the marker seeing when it was last used?" He nodded, bending down. I watched his LED go yellow.

"It was used recently."

"So that means our suspect was here recently."

"It fled to the living room." Connor said.

"Agh! Jesus, I hate these things!" I chucked; hearing Uncle Hank complained.

Then, I saw Connor at the sink, putting something in his mouth.

"Ewww, Connor, what the fuck?!" I yelled in disgusted.

"Did he put something gross in his mouth?! Connor, I told to stop doing that!" Uncle Hank yelled.

"He's done this before?!" I yelled back. So gross!

"I can check samples in real time, sorry Ana. I should have warned you." I shook my head.

"It's fine. So, when was it? The blood?" I asked.

"It was an android reported missing last month. This was taken off at 11:36 today. It's LED is in the sink!" Connor explained as he scans the LED.

"Not surprised it was an android. No human could live with all these fuckin' pigeons." We walked out of the bathroom, and I noticed a bird cage broken. Connor went to it and scanned it. "It fled from the restroom trying to escape. It ran towards the entrance, but it heard us enter so..." Connor looked at the chair, then the ceiling. That's means he's still here.

"Ah!" I saw Connor being knocked down by a figure jumping from roof to him.


"Goddamn fuckin' pigeons!" I saw the android running away so I begin to chase after it. There's been a lot of jumping and climbing. And I don't know how long I can manage. Then, I enter a room full of people, "Be careful! Bitch!"

I can't get hit by people again but soon I kick down an open window and landed then ran. "What are you doing?!"

"Stop right there!" I saw Uncle Hank holding him, but the android pushed him to the ledge.

"No!" Shit! I ran and grabbed onto him, trying to pull him up. But another figure grabbing his other hand and we pull him up, making him fall to the ground.

"Shit! Oh shot! We had it! Fuck!"

"It's my fault." I look at Connor. "I should've been faster when that deviant pushed me down. Then, Ana would have been here to help you stop it."

"You'd have caught it if it weren't for me. That's alright. We know what it looks like. We'll find it."

"I should have been faster. Then, we could have caught the deviant before he pushed you off the edge." I said, looking down.

"It is alright. I should have caught up to you, but you were ahead of me even if I followed you. After you started chasing it. I should have stayed with the Lieutenant then the deviant could have been caught or if the deviant pushed Hank, I could have helped him while you still chase him down."

"Well, if you'll are going to blame each other, then I should not say Connor go after it." Uncle Hank said. I smile a bit. It's not our faults, it just happens.

"Hey, Connor..." Connor looks at him. "Nothing." I walked behind him as Connor walks beside me.

"Ana, may I ask." I turned to look at him. "How did you do it?"

"Do what?" I asked.

"Be able to run from roof to roof. From an average human, they would be terrified to jump."

"I got bored so I was able to practice that with some friends at school. Soon, I was able to do it without problem and became the fastest girl in my class." I explained as I keep walking.

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