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November 3rd, 2064.....20 years later.....

Ana is now 47 years old....

Ana's POV

I sighed as I sat in the chair, looking at the sunset. Thinking my life has turned out to the best. I have four wonderful children. Connie and Colin are now 25 years and have completed their college courses and both have made detectives, just like me and Connor. Our third child/second daughter, Amelia is now 18 and has started her first year into college. She is becoming an amazing artist. She starts painting with Markus and his daughter he had with North, Clover, who is one year younger than Amelia at age 17. And our fourth child/second son, Aaron is now 14 and has started high school. He is dreaming on being a doctor and help humans and androids. Clover's little brother, Luke, who is also 14, also have plans as well. He is planning on running Cyberlife one day with his parents. Aaron and Luke stick together like glue. Soon, North gave birth to another baby they named after Carl. He is now 10 years and has enter 5th grade. Josh and Claire has gotten married and gave birth to a girl named Zoey who is 9 years old and has enter the 4th grade. Simon and Sara had a son named Stephen and he is also 9 and has enter the 4th grade as well. Carl, Zoey, and Stephen became a little group, mimicking their parents. They're all planning on being mechanics of fixing androids for Cyberlife.

Kara and Luthor decided to have a child and gave birth to a boy named Samuel. Cyberlife has found a way to age Alice and they did. She is now 26 and she is a motivational speaker on those who are in abusive households. For both androids and humans. Alice is very popular and has graduated college last year so she is starting her business. Han is 8 years old and is in the 3rd grade as well as Natalia and Isabella's adoptive daughter, Faith.

I sighed as I relax after a yesterday of work. Connor joins me and I snuggled up to him. He did a couple tricks with the coin. I giggled, remembering Uncle Hank taking that away from him years ago. I caught the coin and smiled. Glad the children can do it too.

"I love you so much, Connor." I said.

"I love you too, Ana. And forever on. I'm so glad you chose me." I smiled, remembering the years that we have together. And those years ago when I said that to him.

"I'm glad you chose me too. I will be with you forever." I said.

We kissed under the sunset. I could've wished for a better happily ever after.....

Beauty and the AndroidOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora