The Baby Shower

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July 25th, 2039; 3:00 PM

I just reached 8 months in my pregnancy. Just one more month and we will be welcoming our two little angels, the first two half-human, half-android babies that the world will ever seen. Today, Markus decided to throw me a baby shower in my home. Well, I went to the baby store with Connor, Natalie, and her wife, Isabella, buying baby stuff for the room. Those three got along greatly and helped. I can barely keep up now but I went anyway. But I always got a feeling that I'm being followed. And being watched. Like an idiot, I ignored that feeling. We should have done this last month, but we were all busy. 

We brought the cribs, bottles, and other stuff. We stopped by the clothes section. It had so many colors and designs. We decided to make it a surprise by buying blue and pink glitter and two balloons. I wish I could find clothes that match Connor's but all well. The babies want to make their presence known and I smile to that. There was a table that held the presents. Markus told me that some androids are stopping by. I told him to say I said thank you. It was basically me, Connor, Uncle Hank, Natalie, Isabella, Claire, Simon, Sara, Josh, North, Markus, and Emma. Some humans and androids went and dropped gifts off and leave. More stay behind for the gender reveal. Of course, only me and Uncle Hank were the only ones eating, but they ate some surprising. I start opening presents. They're actually cute. There were some onesies, socks, more bottles, etc. Sumo was running around happy. Sometimes, he would jump on me to make me sit down so he can feel the baby. But it did made Connor panic when I almost fell down every time and he would run up and catch me. I kissed his cheek every time. 

"Isn't time for gender reveal?" Natalie asked. 

"Yup!" I yelled as I grabbed the first balloon from Claire. 

"Is it a boy?" Markus asked. 

"Please it let be a girl." Emma begged. 

"We shall see." I smirked as I have a knife. 

I popped it and blue glitter rain down. The men were happy that I'm having a boy. 

"So, you're having a boy." Gavin said as he tossed Connor two gift boxes in his face. 

"Yes. But stick around, there is another surprise. Claire." I smirked as she brings in a second balloon. 

"Wait a minute! Please don't tell're having twins?!" Uncle Hank yelled as he grips his drink. 

"Yes, we having two babies." Both Gavin and Uncle Hank fainted as expected. We all laughed as I grabbed the knife. I popped the second balloon and pink glitter. 

"Yes! There is a girl!" North cried. 

"Yup." I smiled. 


I was about to take another pill when I felt the kicking again. Connor came back with the water when he sees me in pain. He went to place his hands to rub on my stomach. It felt nice. 

"Stop giving you mama some pain. I command you." It was too cute. 

"Awww...that's so cute. I think your mission is complete." I said. 

"I did. It is my mission to make sure you don't get hurt." I chuckled then swallow the pill. Dad let Sumo stay the night so he can watch the game at the bar with some friends that I'm surprised he has. I sat on the couch and relax. Sumo came and place his head on my lap. Connor joins me and I notice he is wearing his regular clothes now. Damn, seeing him wearing those clothes is hot, but he's an equal. But he should also dress casual because he looks so damn good in them. I see him leaning back on the arm chair. I went to him, slightly taking Sumo off and laid down on him. I called Sumo to join us. He laid back on my belly. Connor wrapped his arms around me, protectively, rubbing on my belly. He laid his head o my shoulder, sometime giving light kisses on my neck. I giggled in reaction. This is perfect. 

"Hey Connor?" 

"Yes, Ana?" 

"The babies haven't been born yet and one of them is picking you as his/her favorite. Right, Angel?" I said, looking down. 

I felt a kick. "See! You're the favorite!" Connor laughed to that. 

"I'm sure. Both angels will love you as much as I do." Connor said, sitting up. 

My head was on his lap, looking up at him. I gestured him down and once he did, I pull the rest of him down to kiss him. 

"Are you two already hungry?" I asked. I felt both kicks. I grabbed a bag of chips at eat. I love this. 

I continue to watch these two cuddling on the couch from my hiding spot in the closet. They're so stupid that they don't know I'm here. This is gonna be the easiest mission I have ever done. 

Now, I need to put my plan into place. Next week, it will be the big day. 

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