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August 7th, 2039; 5:59 PM

Ana's POV

I have reach nine months in pregnancy and I'm scared about giving birth. But I hope things are going well when I do give birth. No one is visiting because they're at work. But there is enough food for me to eat. I can't wait to become a mother. I hear my phone ding. I went to the living room and look at it. It was a message from an unknown person. Who is this? Before I could answer it, I heard a knock on the door. Shit! What if this is the stalker or a killer?

"Ana, it's me, Connor." I smiled as I head to the door. But I stopped right there. Something's not right. I know androids can manipulate voices. 

"How do I know it's you? You have the key to the house, so why won't you use it?" I asked. 

"Lieutenant made me lost it. There was a homicide which caused me to chase down the android and we jumped over the lake and that's where I lost it. After that, I was planning on coming straight home." Hmm....sounds true. I walked to the door, seeing Connor. I smiled at him and he did too. Okay, something's not right. He pulled something from behind him and sprayed it in my eyes. 

"AHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled as I rubbed my eyes. 

"You're just too easy." He smirked as I fell to the ground, unconscious into a pair of arms. 


I groaned as I slowly open my eyes, seeing nothing but darkness. I slowly got up and walk to the door. I turned to the knob, but it was locked. What? I tried to look for my phone, but it wasn't with me. Shit! I walked to the window and try to open it. It was bolted down. Shit! I've been kidnapped. But the last person I saw was-

"Hey, I see you're awake." I turned around and saw him sitting in a chair. It was Connor but he was different clothing. A white jacket that had....RK900! Oh shit!

"Where's Connor?" I asked. 

"I am right he-" 

"Where is my Connor?!" I yelled and he just laughed at me. 

"You're not as stupid as I thought." He got up and walked towards me and I lean back to the wall. 

"What do you want from me?"

"Take a guess." He said. 

"I don't have anything expect..." Wait a minute! "No! I won't let you take them!" 

"Amanda requested me to make sure that I take the babies from you and raise it where they can be the next killers to make sure androids does not have peace ever again." 

"I won't let you do it! Why are you doing this? You're an android, you have peace. Become a deviant and live your life freely." He only chuckles.

"You really believe I could become a deviant? Androids were made to obey. I am and was Cyberlife's last hope. Connor was supposed to complete his mission, but failed. And I see why." I felt sick when he looks at me up and down. 

"Connor will know I'm missing. He will come for me and take care of your sorry ass." He laughs again. He walked and lean next to me, making me look at him in the eyes. 

"He won't, sweetheart. You see I've been planning this ever since you were five months along. How do you think I know Connor will come and see you? I was spying, waiting for the right moment to get you. I stole his clothes to make me look like him. Amanda made sure I don't become deviant. I will accomplish my mission. And you will die here once those two monsters are born." I tried to punch him, but he grabbed my fist and pull me closer to him. " Even if Connor does find you, he doesn't stand a chance. I am fast, stronger, and more obsolete than he is. Plus there is no possibility that he can find you." He place a hand on my stomach. "I suggest you be a good girl unless you know what might happen if you become a bad girl." He lets go of my hand and leaves the room. Not before giving me one last grin and wink before closed the door. I hear a click and I fell on my knees, sobbing. 

Please find me, Connor....

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