Finding Them!

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Connor's POV

"I hope she would like these." I said to Hank as he drives me to Ana's house. 

"Of course, she will. She eat those bears all the time." He sighed as he parked and I got out. 

As I walked home, I had a bad feeling. I can't shake it off. Something's not right. 

"Hank, is it normal to have a bad feeling?" I asked. 

"Yes. I feel it too." He said. 

I unlock the door and walked in, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Then, Hank enters the house and I closed the door. "Ana?" Hank calls her out, but no answer. We hard a noise behind us. We train our guns but sighed in relief when she appeared. I smiled at her and she did too. I walked up to her, giving her a long kiss. She kissed back. Again, it was off. I pulled back, waiting for my response. 

"Hello, Connor, Uncle Hank. Shall we eat?" That was never my response. I looked at Hank and he agreed that something is off about her. We nodded and follow her to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and asked, "What would you like?" I looked at her, waiting for her to look at her stomach to ask. It was always cute to see her ask the baby. That's one more reason why I love her more. But this time, she didn't. 

"I'll take curry, please." She smiled. That didn't felt the same. I looked at Hank and agreed that this Ana is a fake. Then, I felt a surge of feelings flooded inside me. Scared...pain...sadness...neediness......loneliness......Ana's in trouble! 

"Connor, go find Ana." Hank tells me as I closed the fridge. 

"Where are you going?" She asked. Shit!

"Cut the act! We know you're not Ana!" Hank yelled. 

Her appearance changed and the stomach was gone. It was an AX400.

"I'm sorry. He has taken my husband hostage. He's a human. He told me if I didn't help him, he'll kill him." She begged. 

"Where is my wife?" I asked. 

"I don't know. I don't know where my husband is either. Please help me. I'm sorry, just help me find my husband!" She was now crying. 

"Connor, I'm taking her to DPD. Go find Ana! I'll call Markus and tell him what's going on!" Hank orders me as he takes the AX400 out of the house. It was just me. Shit! I got in the car we bought last month and drove off. I used the phone as GPS but it said it was at home. She was force to leave it there. Damnit! I swear if they touch my wife...I punch the seat in anger. Now where do I go? Wait a minute....I just remember something. An idea when Ana claim she saw someone in Ralph's house. the abandon house where we found Kara and Alice. The feeling got stronger as I drove over there. My LED changed red then, yellow. I was scared yet worried at the same time. I arrived at the house as these feelings stopped. I walked up and see it is still boarded up. I walked around and went through the fence. I walked to the windows, trying to look inside but nothing. Great, how do I get inside? I walked to the door nd opened it. Of course, it is opened. I enter in slowly and closed it. I hear footsteps coming so I ran and hide behind some boxes. 

"Yes, Amanda, I have the young woman. She is still pregnant. I will make sure that nothing is out of the plan. I will accomplish the mission, you can count on me." I decided to peek and couldn't believe what I saw. It was an android that look like me. He wore different clothes, the same ones I'm wearing right now expect it is white. RK900...shit! That's must be how he captured Ana. I waited until he went to the kitchen and sneak pass and went upstairs. Where is she? That's when I heard pounding. 

"Let me out you son of a bitch! I want my Connor! I'll make sure you regret taking me!" Ana! She can't be this stress or it will hurt the babies. I slowly went to the door, trying to open it but it's locked. I see an opening on the lock to the wall. Maybe I can use a knife, but that means...I have to go to the kitchen. But first....

"Ana? Are you there?" I whispered. 

"Stop it! Stop using his voice! I swear I-" 

"Ana, it's me. Not the RK900. Please believe me. Hank and I came home and there was an imposter that looked like you, but we both knew it wasn't you. Please believe me. I love you, Ana." Nothing. 

"Connor. You found me." I can hear she was crying. 

"Shush, angel. I'll get you out. But I don't want him to hurt you. So, the only way to do that is to sneak you out. I know a way to get you without him knowing. I'm gonna hide in the room next door so I want you to make as much noise as you can to catch his attention. When he comes, distract as long as you can so I can get a knife from the kitchen and I'll come back, ok?" 

"Okay, I can do that. I love you." She said. 

"I love you too. Count to 10 and start making noise." I hate to see Ana in pain. All I want to do is hold her and tell her it's gonna be okay. I need to get her and our children out of here. I don't know what her condition is since the scanner for me to see her condition is gone. I walked to the next room that was next to the stairs. Then, there was more pounding. 

"You fucker, let me out of here! I want to see Connor, you fucking bitch! Let me out!" I heard footsteps come so I hide behind the door, seeing him go for the door. He unlocks it, going inside. I walk downstairs, heading to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I ran and hide under the stairs, waiting for him to pass. I hear the door slam and footsteps come. I peeked, seeing him go to the kitchen. I walked back upstairs to the door. 

"Ana, are you okay?" 

"I am. He just hit me in the face." Blood boiled inside of me. I wanna kill him, but Ana and our angels are most important right now. 

"Okay, I'm going to open the door. Stay back till then." I placed the sharp part and stabbed it in between the knob and wall then, pushed it. The door opened. I went inside and see my girl with tears in her eyes. I was about to walk in when Ana yelled, "Connor, behind you!" 

I felt someone jerk me back, causing me to drop the knife inside the room and I fall to the ground. I see the RK900 slam the door back shut. I heard banging against the door. 

"Connor! Please don't get yourself killed! He's the newest upgrade from you! Cyberlife built him after you didn't complete the mission to stop deviants! Connor, please run!" Ana yelled. 

"That girl doesn't know how to shut up. Now then, let's make sure you don't come back from the dead." He charges at me. I turn my body and kick him, making me slide away from him. I run down the stairs and he followed me. I turn to see him there. I throw him over me and sending him a punch. Soon, we started an all out battle. 

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