The Chase

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Ana's POV
As Uncle Hank was talking with Collins, I was thinking about deviants. If they have been showing up in the last three months, which means they are becoming human. I know Markus was the first to change but he was killed before he could do anything. But something is telling me that he isn't dead. If I can find one deviant, maybe he or she can tell me where he is.

"You seemed confused, Ana. Are you alright?" Connor is looking at me.

"I'm fine, Connor. Just thinking." I spoke. Then, my mind begins to wonder about Connor. No android gets destroyed and comes back from the dead. And then, there's Connor. And he's the only one who can do this. Cyberlife is hiding a lot more than what they are telling us.

"Connor, what is your purpose?" I asked.

"To hunt deviants." He replied.

"But why thought?" I asked.

"That is not your concern." But I stopped him.

"When we were in the break room, you said 'I only follow Lieutenant Anderson and Sergeant Williams's orders' to Gavin. So now I'm ordering you tell me what your true purpose is to hunt deviants." I snapped.

"To see why deviants become deviants. To see how they are disobeying orders so Cyberlife can fix them."

"There is nothing wrong with deviants. They are perfectly fine just the way they are!" I snapped.

"We're just machines, Ana. We're made to obey."

"Yes, but they also have a right to disobey because maybe they are not just machines. They're beings."

"Why are you in deviants' cases then, Ana?" I blinked my eyes at Connor.

"Excuse me?" I asked as I cross my arms.

"What was the reason you took on Deviant cases? I heard only Lieutenant Anderson was more qualified than you to be in this investigation." I growled at him. Not only did he look at my background but at Uncle Hank's background!

"Because my uncle is in it." I lied.

"You're lying." Connor said, taking a step forward. I can't tell him about Markus and what had happened. I have to find a deviant and make sure to get one to tell me where Markus is before he does.

"You will never understand my reason why. It's too damn personal for you to handle. It's not important right now. We need to focus on the case right now." I spoke.

Connor was about to say something, but Uncle Hank came, looking at us. "It took the first bus that came along and stayed at the end of the line. Its decision wasn't planned, it was driven by fear."

"Androids don't feel fear." Connor said.

"Deviants do." I said as I was looking around to try and figure it where it would go.

"They get overwhelmed by their emotion and make irrational decisions." Connor said.

The house was abandoned. But I saw a figure move in the window.

"Ah, well that still doesn't tell us where it went." Uncle Hank said.

"It didn't have a plan, and it had nowhere to go." Connor said.

"Maybe it didn't go far." I finished, pointing at the building.

"Maybe..." We walked over to the house. It didn't look like we can get in. As Connor was talking with Uncle Hank, I walked around and saw the fence cut. I crouched down seeing there was a trace in the mud. One was wider than the other.

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