Eat and Talk

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Ana's Outfit

November 6, 2038; 3:02 P.M.

Ana's POV
Uncle Hank parked the car across the food shack. I turned my head and look at Connor. "I'd ask if you'd like anything, but androids don't need to eat, right?"

"I appreciate your consideration thought." Connor said with a smile, and we got out of the car. I watched as Uncle Hank talked with an old friend. It was Pedro. Pedro saw me and was waving at me. I waved back.

"Damn straight." Pedro said, shaking hands with Uncle Hank. I saw money in his hand. "Hey! You won't regret this!" Pedro walks way.

"I got you, Ana. Go ahead and sit down." Uncle Hank said as I walked and sat in one of the small round tables.

"What is your problem? Don't you ever do as you're told? Look, you don't have to follow me around like a poodle." I chuckled at that.

"I'm sorry for my behavior back at the police station. I didn't mean to be unpleasant to you."

"Oh, wow. You've got a brown-nosing apology program! Guys at Cyberlife thought of everything, huh?" Uncle Hank mumbled as he grabs the food. "Thanks, Gary. I'm starving." Uncle Hank said, walking towards me.

"Don't leave that thing here!"

"Huh, not a chance! Follows me everywhere." Uncle Hank said before placing the food down. He gave me the box with my drink. I was too excited to eat when I heard Connor speaking.

"I don't want to alarm you, Lieutenant, but I think your friends are engaged in illegal activities."

"Well, everybody does what they have to do, to get by. As long as they're not hurting anybody, I don't bother 'em." Uncle Hank said.

"Do you eat here often." He nods his head.

"Most days." I chuckled.

"Gary makes the best burgers in Detroit."

"You got that right." I said as I took another bite.

"This morning, when we were chasing those deviants. Why didn't you want me to cross the highway?" I stopped and looked at Uncle Hank. Why didn't he let him cross?

"Why didn't you want Ana to cross the highway, Connor?" Uncle Hank asked him.

"She could've died." Connor said

"So could you!" I was shocked by his words. He notices what he had said. "And I don't like filling out paperwork for damaged equipment." Wow, good cover

"You care." I said while doing a fake cough. Uncle Hank narrow his eyes at me.

"What did you say?"

"Me? I said nothing." I smirked while covering Connor's mouth, knowing he'll snitched on me. Uncle Hank grumbles before continuing eating. I sighed, uncovering Connor's mouth sending an apologizing look before eating some more.

"Maybe I should tell you what we know about deviants?" Connor said.

"You read my mind. Proceed."

"We believe that a mutation occurs in the software of some androids, which can lead them emulating human emotion."

"In English, please." Uncle Hank said.

"They don't really feel emotion, they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions, which can lead to unprecedented behavior."

"Emotions always screw everything up. Maybe androids aren't as different from us as we thought." I smiled at that thought.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?" Uncle Hank nods. "Why do you hate androids so much?"

"I have my reasons."

"Is there anything you'd like to know about me?" Connor asked.

"Hell no." I giggled as Uncle Hank answer so fast. "Well, yeah, um.... Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?"

"Cyberlife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration."

"Well, they fucked up." I laughed.

"Well then I guess they did a good job since he's handling with you, Uncle Hank." I spoke.

"You ever dealt with deviants before?" I looked at Connor as he stayed quite for a while before answering.

"A few months back...a deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl." I remember that. It was on the news. "I managed to save her." And it meant to cost you your life. I got angry at the memory of the cops shooting Markus that night. I can remember his face before he died.

"So, I guess you've done all your homework, right. Know everything there is to know about me?"

"I know you graduated top of your class. It sees it runs in the family." Connor says, looking at me. I blushed, looking at my drink. I did graduate at the top of my class. "You made a name for yourself in several cases and became the young lieutenant in Detroit." Yup, that's what motivates me to become a cop. "I also know you've received several disciplinary warnings in recent years, and you spend a lot of time in bars." That's after the incident. He started going to the bars.... that's when I stayed most of my nights at Carl's house. Luckily, they didn't take me away.

"So, what's your conclusion?"

"I think working with an officer with..." He paused for a moment, "personal issues is an added challenge, but adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features." Connor said, looking at me then winked. I blushed red. I thought it was a joke because he started blinking both his eyes as his LED turned yellow.

"I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It's a few blocks away. We should go have a look." Connor told us. "I'll let you two finish your meal. I'll be in the car, if you need me." He said before walking away.

"Ana." I turned to face my uncle. "Why are you in deviant case?" I blink in shock. Of course, he would ask me. "I heard Connor ask you that when I was walking back to you. It may not be his business, but it is mine. There has to be a real reason why you joined. Connor knew you were lying. He may be an android that can tell, but I'm your uncle and still can tell if you're lying."

"I might as well tell you." I sighed.

"Then, tell me."

"I saw an innocent deviant died before me. It was Carl's Android. My babysitter, remember?" He nodded. "His name is Markus. Even though they show him cold blooded, I believe he's still alive. He's different from any other android I know. I feel like, if I could find and talk to a deviant, they can maybe lead me to where Markus is. He's like a big brother to me, even if he is an android. But he was like family to me as well, protecting me and helping me. Now, I have to find one before Connor does so, he won't stop the emotions because I believe that deviants are human too. I know you hate them because of the accident, but Markus is different. Hopefully, one day you can accept androids.... where there can be peace between humans and androids..." I said as I throw away my food, "and Connor can become deviant too."

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