Death In The Family

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Ana's Dress

November 5th, 2038, 9:42 P.M.
I parked the car in the drive way, in the relief. Worst party ever!!! I got out to the back and wheel the chair out as Markus carries Carl and place him in the chair. Then, he takes the place of wheel Carl in the house and follow him behind him. I can't to see Uncle Hank tomorrow when I start working with him. Carl let me stay the night tonight and then, I leave tomorrow.

"Good evening, Carl. Welcome back." The house said.

"That was by far the most boring party I've been to in the last 25 years. Every time I got to one of these, I ask myself: what the hell am I doing here?" I laughed as I place my jacket on the rack while Markus puts the umbrella up

"I hate cocktail parties and all the schmoozers that go there." Carl said.

"Well, it's a chance for all those people who admire your work to meet you." Markus said.

"I agree. It's not everyday you meet someone you admire." I smiled as I talked.

"No one gives a damn about art. All they care about is how much money they're gonna make out of it." Carl said as Markus puts his jacket up.

"Well then, I wish I can buy them so I can give it to someone who would give a damn about art." I said.

"Right." Markus said as he pushes Carl. I saw a smile form on his face.

"Come on, let's have a drink." Carl said as I ran to finally have a real drink.

"Scotch, neat, as usual?" Markus asked.

"Absolutely." Carl replied.

"Okay. But you know what your doctor would say...." Markus said but Carl cuts him off.

"Yeah...well, he can kiss my ass! I'm old enough to choose my own medication." Carl said.

"Right." I giggled as I drank. Then, I looked at the studio.

"Hey, Markus? Did you leave the light in the studio on?" I asked.

", I'm sure I didn't." Markus said. I slowly walked to my purse and pull out my gun.

"Call the police." Carl said. I walked to the studio.

"This is Carl Manfred's android, at 8941 Layfette Avenue. We've just returned home and found the light on. There may have been a break-in."

"Let's go check it out." I whispered as I walked to the door and open it and raise my gun at-

"Leo? What are you doing?" Carl asked.

"You refuse to help me, so I'm helping myself. It's crazy what some people will pay for this shit." Leo said as he gathers more.

"Don't touch them!"

"Look, they're all going to be mine sooner or later anyway." Leo said.

"Yeah, until then, there still your dad's so back the fuck off!" I said, gritting my teeth.

"Just think of it as a down payment on my inheritance." Leo said, facing us.

"Markus, get him away from there. Get him outta here." Carl told Markus and he approached Leo.

"Leo, don't make this difficult, listen to your father and leave! Right now!" I yelled.

"All you ever do is tell me to go away. What's wrong, Dad? I'm not good enough for you? Not perfect like this FUCKING THING?!" I saw Carl was about to move but I stopped him and went over there myself.

"That's it, Leo! Get the hell out! Now!!" I yelled, getting in between Leo and Markus.

"That's enough! Get out, right now! Go on, move!" Carl yelled.

"What makes it so special anyway, huh? What's it got that I don't?" I knew something is gonna happen and it's gonna be bad.

"Leave him alone!" I looked at Carl with sadness and that's when I blacked out. All I saw is darkness.

Markus's POV
"Ana!" Leo knocks Ana to the ground and she blacks out. I rush to her aid.

"Leo! Get away from Ana!" Carl yelled.

"Come on, let's we what you got! Defend yourself and the slut!" Leo yelled.

"Markus. Don't defend yourself, you hear me?!" Carl said.

"Go ahead, hit me! What you waiting for?"

"Don't touch him, Leo!" Ana came back and she has the most angry look I ever seen.

"Think you're a man? Act like one!"

"Stop it!" I heard Carl coughing. Oh no. Ana crawl towards Carl.

"What's the matter! Too much of a pussy?"

"STOP IT, LEO!" Carl yelled as Ana still crawl towards him.

"Too scared to fight back, you fucking bitch?" Leo slaps me. "Oh right, that's right! I forgot, you're not a real're just a FUCKING PIECE OF PLASTIC! Listen to me!"

"No, Leo! Leave him alone!" Ana was holding on to Carl as he talks weakly.

"I'm gonna destroy you, then, it'll jut be me and my dad. I'm gonna tear you apart and nobody's gonna give a shit. You know why? Cause you're nothing, you hear me?! YOU'RE NOTHING!!"

"Carl, no!" Ana cries. I saw Carl fall next to Ana.

"Carl, no!" I rushed to his side. Ana was on the other side.

"Humans...are fragile machines." Carl hushed us and then, he close his eyes. Please, don't do this, Carl. Then, he open his eyes again.

"No, Carl! Don't you close those eyes again!" Ana yelled as tears filled her eyes.

"Carl, don't leave, okay? Please, don't go..don't leave!" I pleaded.

"Remember, Markus, Anastasia. Don't let anybody. Tell you who you are." Carl said and he closed his eyes again.

"No!" Tears poured out of our eyes.

" No, please!" I said, holding my fist.

"This all your fault." Leo talked and Ana's eyes were filled with murderous rage. "This never would have happened if weren't for you."

"Shut the fuck up, Leo! This is your fault! Don't pin this on Markus! He didn't do anything wrong! You're the one who came in and try to take your own father's paintings for your fucking selfish needs!" She screamed.

The doors bursted open and it was the cops they looked at me and then at Carl's body and Ana.

"The android. It was the android." Leo said.

They aimed at me as I stood up.

"Wait! No!" Ana yelled and the cops fired at me.

Ana's POV
"Noooo! Markus!" I tried to get to Markus but the cops were pulling me away.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled.

First, my family and my cousin, Cole and now, Carl and Markus! I looked at Markus's body. Maybe they can repair him. They need too. Then, they tell me that they can't repair Markus and I cried. I gave the officers the statement of what happen.

Now, I know what I need to do.......

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