Choose or Lose

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November 12th, 2038; 12:20 PM

Ana's POV

I felt someone holding my hand. I groan as I open my eyes, adjusting them from the bright light. I turn to see a figure. I blinked several times to see who was it. It was Connor. He was holding my hand. And he was sleeping. I didn't know androids can sleep. How long have I been here? I raised my other hand and rubbed his hair. I see he was wearing his android uniform as he stirred his eyes open. Once he saw me, he smiled back. He got up and hugged me tight. I giggled then put up my best confused expression. 

"Ummm...who are you?" He pulled back and looked at me. I saw little tears prickle his eyes. I pulled him into a hug. 


"Shit! You scared me!" I laughed. 

"Man, Uncle Hank and I really rubbed on the curse words to you." 

"Yes, but I don't mind." He said, hugging me again.

"Whow, Connor. Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I just missed you." 

" long have I been out?" I asked. 

"12 hours, 20 minutes, and 47 seconds." I sighed in relief. I wasn't out that long. But I hit his shoulder. 

"You scared me! I thought I was sleeping for a long time!" He chuckled. "Wait, so you really missed me. Even thought I wasn't gone long." Connor blushed. I giggled and pulled him into a passionate kiss. But we both pull away when we heard the heart monitor beep much faster as my heart picked up. I lightly pushed Connor and pull back. 

We took deep breath heavily as we stared at each other. He went and kissed my lips again then all over my face. "C-Connor, what's g-gotten into you?" I asked, giggling in between. "I didn't know you were a tease." 

"It's just...I love you." He said, sitting down and put his head on my lap. Something's off. 


"Hmm?" He asked. 

"What happened?" I asked and he looked at me. 

"You don't remember?" I nodded no. "After Markus gave his speech to the androids, you started coughing blood and you...passed out. We called an ambulance and you were sent to the hospital. They worked on you for four hours since they had to replace your stitches since they ripped. Then, they had to run test to see why you were coughing. After they knew we asked to stay with you. They said only one of us could and Markus told me I could. Since he has business to deal with, since now that androids and humans are having a peace." 

"That's good to hear but what's wrong with me" I asked. 

He was about to answer till the door opened and the doctor enters the room. 

"Hello, Ms. Williams, I see you awake. I hope you don't mind me, but I'll like to check to see if you're alright." 

"That's ok. Please call me Ana." The doctor nodded and he started to check on me. He run some tests then he told me to lift the hospital dress I was wearing to show my stomach. I was confused, but did what I was told using the cover to cover my bottom parts. He place the stethoscope on my stomach and told me to breath. It was like he checked on my breathing earlier. He listened to my stomach each side. I asked why he was checking on me. That's when he told me I was pregnant with the first half-android, half-human baby. I turned to Connor who had a smile on his face. I tackled him with tears coming down my eyes. Unfortunately, I had to stay another day to be sure I was ok since my condition isn't that bad. Then, he leaves the room. 

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