Another Case

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Ana's Outfit

Ana's POV
After everything that has happened, I didn't wanna go to work, but it's my job and I have too. I didn't even see it coming. Now that Connor is dead. Even if he was a jerk, a cold hearted robot, I didn't mind him. We got the android to talk hit it cost the lives of 2. People would often say droids aren't people, but I disagree. I took a shower and did my hair and light makeup, then I put on a pennant that has an A on it. Carl gave me it on my birthday as a gift. I kept it ever since, even Uncle Hank likes the necklace and hands me a charm bracelet. I love it so much. I put on a green shirt and jeans.

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I rode with Uncle Hank to the police station and got a desk that is in front of Uncle Hank

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I rode with Uncle Hank to the police station and got a desk that is in front of Uncle Hank. I giggled as I realized this is gonna be fun as I sat down. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Well, hello, gorgeous." I smirked as I realized it was Gavin. "What do say we go out sometime?" I turned around and face him.

"I would but it would be the last thing you ever do." I grinned and his facial expression changes.

"Ana? No, it can't be you."

"It is me. Boy, I'm gonna have some fun making your life a living hell." I giggled as I got up before he starts yelling and stuff.

I was walking over to Uncle Hank's desk when I saw someone approaching me. gosh!

"Hello, Ana." It was Connor.

"God, I saw you get shot in the head last night." Uncle Hank said in shock.

"My predecessor was unfortunately destroyed, but Cyberlife transferred its memory and sent me to replace it. This incident should not affect the investigation." I never heard an android doing something like that. What is Connor? A prototype? Something's not right around here and I must figure it out before something bad happens.

"Uhhh...Jesus." Uncle Hank said.

"Hank! Anastasia! In my office!" Jeffery shouted.

I walked until I stopped and look at the front online magazine. It was Carl. I wipe my tear and continue walking into the office. Uncle Hank took a seat so I stand beside him. Connor joined me but I scoffed a bit away from him.

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