The Battle Rages On!

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Ana's POV

I can hear Connor and the RK900 battling it out from here. I need to help. I looked down and saw the knife Connor used to open the door. I had a hard time, bending over but I grabbed it. I walked up to the door, jabbing it in. I pulled the door and see if it open again. I worked. I walked down the stairs when I started to cough again. Shit! Now it's not the time. I walked down the stairs to see Connor bleeding with bruise and cuts. No....

"I can see now. You're just as pathetic as those damn deviants. Just like Ana." Connor charges at him. The RK900 moves, grabbing Connor fast, twisting his arm then holding him down. "You see, Connor, you just now worthless. I am stronger, faster, more obsolete than you. The old must die, Connor. I do say, Cyberlife did a fantastic job making a better upgrade than you." He said. I saw him flipping Connor, holding his hands up with one hand as the other pulls his shirt. Oh shit, no! He place a hand on his heart. "Any last words, Connor? Wanna say goodbye to Ana? Don't worry, I'll be there for her and the children. Those little monsters will see me as a father more than you. And she will see me as a better husband than you. Unlike you, I can protect them." I walked to them, carefully. 

"Yes...don't you dare call my children monsters....I'll be damned to let someone like you....get near my wife!" Connor yelled. 

I jumped forward, pushing the knife in his back. I step back, holding my stomach. The RK900 stays there. What? He removes Connor's heart, making him gasp his breath. He gets up, pulling the knife from the back and kicking his heart away from him. 

"No! Connor!" I tried to get to him, but the RK900 is holding me back. "Let me go, asshole! Connor!" I started coughing again. Shit! I see Connor looking at me, his eyes pouring blue blood. 

"Are you alright, dear?" Don't you dare call me that!

"Don't fucking touch me!" I pushed him off but that didn't work. My legs are getting sore. Now, the RK900 is holding me up. I saw Connor behind him, slowly dying in front of me. He tried crawling for his heart, but he was losing breath. No, he can't die. I can't raise the twins by myself. I need him. Connor looked at me, giving me a small smile. Don't you dare do that. I see the RK900 was holding the knife in his hand. I grabbed it, knifing his neck. He lets go of me, holding his neck. I took the knife and rushed to Connor's heart, ignoring the pain that came through. I grabbed it and ran to him and slammed it back in. 

He took deep breaths, trying to breath again. Then, the RK900 pulls me back. I try to stab him again with the knife but his reflexes came in quick. He took the knife from me. 

"Let Connor watch you and the kids die instead." He smirked before stabbing me in the stomach. I screamed out in pain. 

"ANA!" Connor yelled. I took steps back, looking at the knife. I lean to a wall and drop down to the ground, holding my stomach. I started to cough as I cried in pain. I look up to see Connor charge at the RK900 and they start to fight again. I see another new side of Connor. He beats up the RK900 badly until he finally tackles it to the ground and rips his heart out. He crushed it with one hand. Then, he came rushing to my aid. 

"Ana, angel stay with me." I saw him with tears down his face. I saw his LED change color. 

"Yes, this is Connor Anderson, I need an ambulance now! My wife has been stabbed! She's also pregnant, please hurry!" He takes off his jacket and wraps it around me. 

"You're gonna be okay, Ana. You and the little angels will be ok." Then, second worse thing happens to me. 

"My-my water broke, Connor. I-I'm going in labor." He looked down at my legs and his expression changed. 

"Please hurry the fuck up! My wife is going into labor!" Why now?! Kids, why now?! I felt my vision started to go blurry. I tried to keep them open but no luck. And I'm getting tired. 

"Connor, I'm getting sleepy." I mumbled out. 

"No, Ana, don't go to sleep!  You can't leave now! The twins need you! I need you!" I can hear his voice breaking. I raised my hands to hold his face, smiling. 

'It's okay...I'm gonna take a little nap...I love you." He went down, kissing me. The blue blood around his face is on my face. He held my stomach that had the knife in place. I guess he was scared to pull it out. My vision becomes more blurry. 

"Come on, baby. Stay awake. I don't want to raise our babies alone without you. I love you, Ana. Please move your lips, please." I did. I moved my lips slowly. I can feel the small smile on his lips. The kiss was slow and I know he didn't want to go faster. Sometimes, he blew air in my mouth and I find it cute. 

Then, the doors were kicked down, I couldn't make out a word they're saying. What is going on? I close my eyes for a bit from being so damn tired. When I open them again, I was in the ambulance truck. I see doctors putting an IV in my arm. I looked at my stomach to see the knife has been removed and a cloth was there. Connor was holding my hand and the other was on the cloth. That was the last thing I see before darkness took over me again. 

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