Press Conference

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November 14th 2038; 7:58 AM

Ana's POV

I felt someone was shaking me. I groaned and I open my eyes and smile at Markus. I looked around and notice we are in our hotel room. "Did you bring me here?" I asked.

"Yeah. We landed five hours ago. I try to wake you up but you were sleeping heavily so I brought you here." Markus said. 

"Okay." I said as I yawned. 

After I got up, took a shower, and change into a black dress, a green shirt, and white sneakers because I can't wear heels right now, we went out to get breakfast...well, me because Markus can't eat, but he helped get it for me. 

An hour later, a limo arrived for us to head to the white house. As we got closer, I saw a lot of people protesting outside, some against the freedom, others are for freedom. It is nice to see people who also agreed with us. The limo parked and the driver announced we are here. We got hundreds of people, including reporters and paparazzi. I was shaking as Markus stood by my side, then started to walk. I catch up to him and walked by his side looking at the people until we enter the front the door. The bodyguard stood there and talked to his walkie talkie, saying we're here. He escorted us through the building then stopped by a set of double doors. He opened them and told us to enter. We did. It was a large table with a bunch of seats. He closed the door and I sat down as Markus looks at the window. 

"We have a lot of protesters."

"But we also have a lot of people who are on our side. So that's 50/50." I said. 

The doors opened again and the president walked in with a bodyguard that is behind her. She told him to stay guard behind the doors. He nodded and closed them. She walked and sat across me and another person came and sat next to her with the computer. 

"Now then. Shall we began?" I nodded. Markus came and sat next to me. 

For the next four hours, we talked about just about everything. As we finished, we shake hands with the president and walked out the room to the where the reporters are waiting for us. She walked up the stage and we followed her. 

"As you may know, androids will be considered equals. We have discussed the rights for androids. It will posted online of documentation of what androids must follow. From this day on, November 10th will be a memorial day for androids who was killed in Jericho and during the final protest march and so on. November 11th will be named Android Marching Day, and November 12th will be declared National Android Freedom Day. The day that androids have finally gained their freedom. Any questions?" A bunch of hands went in the air. 

"Yes, you." "There are people who still hates androids. What happens if they kill one?"

"If any human kills an android, that will be count as murder just like when you kill a human. It is the same for androids if they kill a human or another android. Next please." 

"Will androids take over our jobs? Will more people lose their jobs because of androids?"

"Androids and humans will be employed at the same time. Humans will be working along with them and there will be new jobs created along the way. But that all depends on the person's hire. That being said, hospitals will be built bigger, it will be a place where an android is damaged, they can be fixed at the hospitals as well. But an android cannot have it's memory removed and sent to another android. An android will only have one life, if damage is unfixable, then it shall slowly die just like a human." 

That's something I need to put down. As much I know Connor comes back when he dies, just seeing that makes me angry, but at the same time....relief. As we answer each question, some went to Markus and some went to me.

"Just like humans, androids will also have last names and they can keep their ID code, but as equals, they should give a right for androids to also have last names." I said. 

"So..who will be running Cyberlife?" 

"I will. With Ana's help part time since she's now a detective at DPD. Cyberlife has all the things androids need to live. Me and Ana will be operating things with North, Simon, and Josh. As the leader of the deviants, I will spread this law for my kind to know what rights we have. We will build some shops where androids can get parts." Markus said. 

"Ok, last question. Yes, you ma'am." 

"Is it true that Anastasia Williams is pregnant?" Of course, I should have known someone is gonna ask that. 

"It is true. I am pregnant with child." I said. 

"Is it also true that it is half android as well meaning the father of your baby is an android or you were forced pregnant that Cyberlife injected you with so humans can accept that humans and androids are at peace?" Ok....hehe......

"Ok...hehe....let's get this one straight...I hope those cameras are pointing at me because I'm addressing this shit to the world.....Cyberlife didn't inject me with anything. The father of my baby is an android that I loved deeply. I got pregnant yes, but my soon-to-be husband is an android that Cyberlife created to stop deviants, but since he became deviant himself, he unlock possibilities that even he didn't know. Deviants have the same emotions as humans do. I am holding the first half-human, half-android child. The president declared that I have maximum security and stay here till this child is born and raised safe. But I refused the offer. I will still have the child in the same city where I was born at. The president even agreed that if someone, human or android, comes to kill me, my baby, my man, or anyone in my family, they will automatically be killed. In the deviant's case, since my condition is rare, I die by the hands of an asshole of a human, then the androids will declare war on humans. I suggest none of you fuckers don't try to do that or you will spill chaos for the sake of humanity. Androids do not believe in violence, but if something to happen to me or we would have fought freedom with our guns, they would. But if an android comes and kills me, then that android will be killed as well. Since humans hate androids more than androids hate humans, then humans will suffer a punishment much worse than androids." Then, I started to cough blood in my hands. I need to finish this fast. 

"So, I'm telling you fuckers out there this, if you come and thinking about killing me or my baby, I won't be hesitate to kick some ass in order to protect myself and my child." 

I looked at the cameras and said, "Love is something I cherish the most and I would do anything to protect my family. I have already lost enough so don't take this chance I have. The chance we all have." 

"That is all. This conference is over." The president said and escorted us out of the room just as reporters are yelling for more questions. 

"You can rest here, Anastasia. It's not as comfy as a bed, but there are lot of press outside. You and Markus can go back home tomorrow morning." She said. 

"Thank you, madam president." I said. She smiled at me as she leaves the room with her bodyguard. 

I begin to cough out of control and felt pain in my stomach getting worse. Markus came and held me tightly. 

"Ana? Are you okay?" Markus asked. 

"It hurts so much...I" I was cut off by more coughing. 

The noise brought the president and her bodyguard back in with concern and worry in their eyes. "Is she alright? Should we call the ambulance?" She asked. 

"Yes, please." Markus said. 

"Call the ambulance. Make it fast." She ordered her bodyguard. 

"Yes, ma'am." He quickly flees the room. 

"M-Markus, the pain...." 

"It's the process Claire told us. Remember the android who tested you? She said this would happen." No... this is where my body decides to either keep the baby or lost it. That is the last thing I remember before passing out. 

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