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November 15th, 2038; 11:59 AM

Ana's POV

I was so excited to be home. I stood up and follow Markus out of the plane. He held my hand on the way out ever since that incident before we even left Washington DC. Some people just don't listen.


"Markus, wait! I dropped my phone! I need to find it!" I yelled. He came with me to find it when I turned around, he was gone. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a man I didn't know.

"Miss, you dropped this." He handed me my phone and I took it.

"Thank you. Now, if you excuse me, I must find my brother." I said but he grabbed my wrist. Huh?

"Ummm... can you let me go?" I asked.

"You're Anastasia Williams? Am I right?"

"No, sir. I'm Hannah." I lied.

"No, you're the slut that's holding a fucking machine inside your beautiful body." He growled.

"Don't you dare call my baby that, asshole"  I yelled in anger.

He tried to punch me in the stomach but I grabbed his arm and twist it hard, breaking it. Then, someone swings him to the ground. It was Markus! And he looked pissed! I never this side of him. I stomp on his face several times, making it bloody red.

"Don't ever fucking touch her again! You hear me, asshole!" Markus yelled as he punch him in the face.

Then, security arrived and we told them what happened. But they knew us instantly and took him away. Because of this, we missed our flight and have to take the next one. As we waited, I was able to eat some food and we talked. When it was time to board, Markus held my hand the whole time. It's nice to see his overprotective side.

End of flashback.....

We walked down the hall, sighing that I didn't get hit in the stomach by that motherfucker. I'm glad Uncle Hank taught me how to fight. They really came in handy.

"Markus, when did you learn how to fight?" I asked.

"North taught me." He confessed as his face went bright blue.

"You can thank her that they came in handy. She would get a kick at it." I laughed.

Then, I spotted the man I love. I let go of Markus and ran to me. He looks up and saw me. A smile broke out and open his arms for me to jump into. I had my arms around his neck as my legs went around his waist, nuzzling into his neck.

"I miss you so much." I said.

"I miss you too, Angel." He said, wrapping his arms around me. I smiled, smelling that familiar scent of us. Call me weird, but I don't care. I look at him, lean to kiss him. He kissed me back, feeling the sparks going down my spine. I let go and held Connor's hand, waiting for Markus as he walk up to us. He asked Connor if anything happened at Cyberlife while we were gone. Connor said everything is fine. I saw Connor's LED light flash yellow for a moment before going back to blue. I felt his grip tighten in my hand. He now knows.

"Thank you, Markus."

"You welcome, Connor."

"We should head back to Cyberlife. I'm sure you want to see North badly.  And we have a meeting to go to too." I stated as I saw Markus' face turn bright blue. We started walking out when I felt a tug on my bag.

"Let me carry this, Ana. You must be tired from carrying it." Connor said.

I tried to tell him I'm alright, but he keeps deny it so I lost the fight and hand it to him while holding his hand. We made it to Cyberlife without a problem. I saw hundreds of walking around in the snow in front of Cyberlife. We exited the taxi. Some androids looked at me, some ran to me and talk to me. I smiled and greeted some. Some told me they saw the news and are proud of me for standing up to them. Even say they will stand by me if something happens to me, my baby, or my family.

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