Life After...

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November 11th, 2039; 2:40 PM

Ana's POV

The twins are now three months old which I'm happy. Also, today is Android March Day! They decided that this is the day to have a parade across town. Connor and I will have our own float. The twins will be there as well. I have Connie in my arms right now. I dressed up in a dress, leggings, and a jacket as Connor wore his uniform. To the world, we are a symbol of love between Androids and Humans. It brought hope to the people. Before that, I have to stop by Cyberlife to talk to Markus about something. Which means Connor stays here with Connie and Colin. It was so cute to see him trying to take of them. He is learning and I'm so happy for him. 

"Okay, I'm heading over to Cyberlife. I'll meet you at the float around 4:30 with the twins." I told Connor and he nods, walking over to me and kissed me. 

"Now, you two be good to daddy and don't give him any trouble." I told the twins and they babbles, spitting at me. "Okay, that's my answer right there." I said, wiping the spit and laughed. 

I kissed them both and head out in a taxi to Cyberlife, leaving my car for Connor to use to drive to the parade. I arrived there 20 minutes later and went inside. Waving at the androids that I walked passed. They were really excited about the parade. I went the elevator and press a button to the floor where Markus was at. 


I arrived on the floor where Markus is at, seeing him talking to some androids before signing some papers and the androids walks pass me with the papers. 

"Hey, bro, is he finish?" I asked. 

"Yes." He moves to the side, pressing a button. 

"But who do you plan on sending him to? You're lucky the president allowed this." He said. 

"I know that, but still. He didn't mean no harm. Yes, he was kept a secret from the rest of us by Amanda. He could be a big help at DPD. Connor solved so many cases and since this is the most advanced android that Cyberlife created before they shut down by humans. The ones including Amanda who are now in jail for thinking that would help prove androids are nothing but slaves. But of course, you run it. With my help sometimes, it can help with who is responsible for the killing. But sometimes, Connor and I can't be at two places at once. We need to be with one another and for our babies. And DPD is picking on him since he can test and....lick blood." I shiver at that last part. 

"You're right. I hope this works." Markus said as he goes to him and probed him. "You are free." He blinks his eyes and looked at me. 

"Ana? Why? I killed..." 

"We know that, yes. And as punishment, you will serve years under DPD. Solve cases and bring justice to those who are slaughtered. You are different from the rest. And everyone deserves a second chance so will you take it?" I asked. 

"Thank you. I am in your service." He said, shaking my hand. 

"Whoa, nelly! You don't serve me. You are free. You can now live as a living being. And you will work at DPD with your new partner. Just like Connor is with me and Uncle Hank. All you need to know about your rights and world basis is now in your knowledge. The president is also allowing you to be the last android built for now until things are settle under the dust. Your main mission is to help those who are in need. Like all the other androids, you have one life. You better use it well or you will be deactivated." I said. He nods in agreement. 

"Good. For the next two days, you will rest in this building. On the 13th, you will start working." I said. 

"Ana, you have to give him a name and tell him who is his partner." Markus said. 

"I'm getting to that." I groaned. "Okay, your name will be....Conan." 

Then, the perfect partner came to my mind. I smirked as I giggled evilly. Markus picks this up and moves a few feet away from me. This ain't nothing new. Everything I would do this, he backs away before I dragged him along. But this time will be different. 

"Your partner will be Gavin Reed." I smirked evilly.


I was on the float with Connie in my arms as Connor is next to me, holding Colin. I waved to the crowd of people who are watching. There is a lot of people here. The whole city came and was having fun. News cameras are filming the parade as they hovering over us. We were sitting behind a giant rainbow. It is the symbol of love between an android and a human. And with that created two little bundles of joy. The twins were nibbling on their stuff toys. They're so cute. We even painted our faces. I was red and Connor was blue. That makes the twins both purple. 

I took Connie's hand and make her wave to the crowd. She babbles to the crowd and Colin ended up doing the same thing. The crowd adored them. "The babies are so cute!" A woman shouted as she gushed at the twins. 

Markus' float was in front of us. I bet North is there as well, representing the love between two androids as they fight for freedom and rights. I looked at Connor and he looks at me. We both laugh as we smile. This day was so much fun.

November 12th, 2039; 6:39 PM....

The next day, we decided to have a feast. And that's when Claire gives me the results of the twins. Their blood is pretty rare. It is fused with human blood and android blood. I was nervous when either one of them needed blood but we have to give ours to them. Their injuries will heal like a human but need surgery for their android bones. Most of their android parts is their bones, blood, and hair since they both have Connor's hair. Only Colin has Connor's eyes, but Connie has my eyes. The rest of their bodies are human so they will be like any other human children. Even their brains was like human, like android too. So, they may do some things that an android could do like knowledge and educational stuff. Uncle Hank said he will have two successful grandchildren in the future. And I agreed with him. 

Anyway, we have a feast at the park before we decided to set some fireworks out. The twins looked amazed. And Uncle Hank brought some. I showed Connor how to light them and he was amazed, almost set off every firework. North and Luthor were able to grab some before Connor set them all off. Markus lighted up a sparkler and give it to Colin. He was babbled in excitement before he was picked by Markus and he was able to move it. But Markus was holding his hand. But Connie was crying. I grabbed one and show it to her. She was scared so I start to wave it in the air, making art. She was amazed so I picked her up and held it in her hand as I hold her hand. Connor looked at me, smiling.

I even made him hold one and did some art to show the twins and they were giggling with excitement. Well, this was the best android freedom day. Can't wait for next year.

November 13th, 2039; 11:29 AM

Uncle Hank has a six month vacation so he is babysitting the twins today as I was able to go back to work. Connor was so happy that I was able to work again. We haven't been there for 20 minutes before he drags me into the men's bathroom and kissed me without interruptions. I missed these moments so much. 

After that, I go to my desk and see two reports. Damn, two homicides. I see Gavin walking to his desk. He is being nice to me......kinda of. "Hey, dipshit, take the case that's on the other side of town. I'll take the one that's close by."

"I just got back and you're already being an ass. As unusual. Oh, did you know they made it a requirement for us to have partners?" I asked. 

"It ain't my fault that my partner decided to get a new one. You already have that plastic asshole as your partner so stop butting in my business." 

"Okay..." I smirked as I walked away.

"Hello, I am Conan. The android sent by Cyberlife." Perfect timing. I begin to giggle evilly when I looked at Gavin who put two and two together. 

"ANA! You fucking bitch! You did this on purpose! I'm talking to Jeffery!" Gavin yelled. 

"Good luck with that. Jeffery agreed to this and said it is a wonderful idea." I said before laughing so evilly. 

Gavin storms out of the room with Conan behind him. Connor looked confused, but protective when Conan walked passed us. As we went out to the truck, I explained to Connor why I have to go to Cyberlife before the parade. I couldn't stop laughing. 

Payback is a bitch.......

Beauty and the AndroidOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora