Chapter 25: A Dragon's Warning

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I ran through Berthold's deserted streets. My wide eyes scanned the dark frantically, searching for the beast Felicia told me about. I could sense danger, it lingered in the heavy night air. The warning it sent was strong enough to impede those out in pursuit of it, but not me. I was naive enough to ignore it. The smell of smoke and destruction filled my lungs as I ran to the perimeter wall that surrounded the city. I stopped and examined the enormous gap that was thrashed through it, in wonder of what could have caused such destruction.

But even that didn't hinder my desire to find out if James and Cassandra were out there, after this thing. I grabbed the jagged rocks and quickly found footing as I scaled over the fallen debris of the broken wall. I could hear shouts of battle from a distance and soon spotted the flickering of light from magic that was wielded.

I fell flat against the trunk of a fallen tree that met the wall. My eyes froze; they were glued to the thing the knights fought. It was large, and I thought Onobilando was grand in size, she was nothing compared to this thing. Its head was as tall as a grown man and I had nothing to compare its colossal body to. Its amber eyes spiraled with green, and as it roared those emerald veins pulsated, feeding into its vertical pupils. It reared back spreading its leathery wings behind it. They flapped in large swings, lifting it to an erect pose.

The steel they wielded would be no match against it. Every strike they made was futile, its protective skin shielded from all of their blows. I couldn't tell who was fighting, the night concealed their faces. I was worried for James and Cassandra, worried that if they were out there among those men, their fate was as good as sealed.

"Fall back and take cover!" the leader of the unit shouted, his voice was unfamiliar and appalling I was relieved that it was.

They followed his order and ran back, dropping to their knees. They planted their tall kite shields in front of them, and sloped below their peaks for protection.

The beast's chest began to swell, and soon large tremors rocked through its rigid gullet. My still heart began to pump vigorously as its head jerked back. Its mouth flung open baring two rows of massive ivory teeth, behind them a glow grew, it looked like the burn of hot coals, it looked like hell!

What the hell was that thing about to unleash? I hadn't a clue. James hadn't told me about this particular beast. But I could tell one thing, its next move wasn't going to be a friendly one.

What the hell was I doing here, I shouldn't be here, I thought hectically as I hugged the tree.

"Hold your ground men," their leader ordered bravely once more.

With his order, a thunderous bellow blasted from the beast's gaping mouth. I thought for sure its head was about to explode from the sounds it made. Its upper throat retracted squeezing out all the built up pressure that filled its gorge, it expelled a firestorm against the shielded men that bowed in front of it. Its head shook furiously, its sides squeezed tightly, milking the last of fire it had stowed in its gut. The heat from the inferno was intense, so intense I was dumbfounded that I could feel it as far away as I was.

As the fire died from its breath, it fell to the ground like a wilted plant, exhausted. The wings of the beast folded back into place as it wandered to the area it scorched.

The knights jumped from their crouched positions, the shields they hid behind were red and warped by the flames. They backed away as the beast neared. Its amber eyes followed their movements, watchfully.

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