Chapter 45: A Bitter Kiss

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"Alanis," Alexander said from above. "Can you hear me?"

"Alexander," I said his name out loud. I wasn't sure if this was another vision, but out of the corner of my eye I could see the surrounding forest and could hear the crackling fire. I was definitely back where I belonged.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes." I lifted my head. My eyes focused on his stare as he helped me sit up. "I'm alright."

"I lost contact with you during our connection. When I came to you wouldn't wake. I don't know what happened."

"It was a vision... I had a new vision."

My heart started to pound as I thought of the severity of my vision. The warning was dark and dreadful, could Berthold really fall? I stooped forward to calm my dizzy stomach. The thoughts that swirled within my head were too outrageous to fathom.

Alexander watched as I sat forward. "A vision, what kind of vision, was there a message?"

"Yes, there was a message-from you," I replied, my eyes lowered as they caught the shocked expression he wore.

"What was said?" he blurted, his hand found my chin and lifted it. I broke away from his coaxing hold. I wasn't sure how I was going to tell him my presence would cause the destruction of Berthold. How would he take it? The only thing I could do was tell him, so I would.

My head lowered to join my eyes as I spoke, "You told me if I didn't leave Berthold-it would fall."

He reached for my face again. This time his grip was forceful, there would be no turning away from his scrutinizing stare.

"What?" he questioned, his eyes scrolled across my face pinging to each side.

I closed my eyes nervously as I replied, "If I stay in Berthold everyone will die, including you. You said it was Letando's will that I leave, that it was my destiny." His hand loosened and his fingers twitched against my cheek.

I opened my eyes as he sloped towards me. "I said that? Are you sure you heard right?" he asked direly.

I nodded against his hand. "Yes, I'm sure..."

"Did I say how or why?" he asked while pulling away and I replied, 'no,' with a lowered shake of my head.

"No, nothing was explained. I could feel how dire this warning was, it felt true."

He brought his hand to his forehead and ran it to the back of his head, gathering his soft wavy hair to his nape. He looked into the jumping flames, contemplating, no doubt. All the while my thoughts were as intense as the flames he was staring into.

"Why was I used, I don't understand why the Gods used me to communicate this..."

"I don't know..." I answered and saw a glimmer of something in his eyes, suppression. What could it mean?

"It was a vision, Alexander... besides I could have seen you merely because we were bonded at the time." I offered my counter reply as a comforting suggestion. It was then that I decided I had waited long enough to tell him that I was going to leave, even before I had this vision, right now would have to do.

"Anyway, you're not the cause of my upcoming departure... I've known a while that I was destined to leave..." I sighed anxiously, "I was told by Julian that if I left Berthold the Sorrow's power would be silenced. He said I wouldn't need to shed her if I left. I was planning to leave once my talisman grew darker... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I looked up at him, the look of wrath I was expecting never came.

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