2: Said Motivational Speaker

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I heard footsteps. It was a beautiful Thursday morning and I was uncomfortable. Last night after my confessional with Reese, we watched reruns of Friends before crashing on the couches. "I guess we know what they did last night." After hearing a familiar voice, I sneakily opened my eyes trying to spot who walked into my apartment. I saw Talia with James, Carter, and Adam behind her.

"We watched TV and talked about useless shit, just to fill you in." I hated my morning voice. It was all hoarse and raspy like an after sex voice. I stretched my arms high above my head, taking the kinks out of my back and neck. I looked down at my attire before reaching over and grabbing a hoodie off the chair in the corner. I tied my hair into a messy bun before shuffling to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, so I could communicate with these intruders. "I don't understand why you guys couldn't walk in quietly."

"What's the fun in that? I didn't even think you'd fall asleep in the living room." Talia said. I rolled my eyes before walking into the kitchen. I put the kettle on the stove to get my tea ready. "What time is your shift today?"

"Three to nine. Why?"

"Just wondering, that's all." I gave her a side glance before proceeding with my tea. Once it was finished, I poured it into a cup and sipped it as I made my way back to the living room. Reese was still knocked out as if nothing happened.

Adam was attempting to wake her up, but she kept kicking him. It was as if he didn't know about her violent tendencies. They were engaged. "She's not going to wake up anytime soon. Just saying."

"But everyone is up." Adam said.

"It's fücking eight in the morning." I fell back onto my sofa which happened to be seating Carter. I ignored his presence to the fullest and reached for my remote to turn it on.

"Language." Adam warned.

"Oops. My finger got a boner." I told him as I flicked him off. He replied with one of his own. I turned back to the TV looking for a channel to watch. I could hear Carter groan every time I flipped to a new one. His annoyance was my fuel. I grew a steady smirk on my face.

"If you can't settle on one channel, I swear," he trailed off.

"You'll what?" I arched an eyebrow daring him to finish the threat. My arm was outstretched towards the TV.

"How about we watch Boomerang? They always have the best shows in the morning." Talia settled on the armchair. James took it upon himself to sit on top of her which started their coupley fight. I almost threw up in my mouth.

"Please stop this nonsense. I feel like I'm in some cheesy romcom and I'm the fifth wheel." I insisted.

"You are the bitterest one of them all, aren't you?" Adam wondered out loud. I decided to be the bigger person and not respond. Instead, I changed the channel to Boomerang. Dexter's Laboratory happened to be on. We watched throwback cartoons for a while. Reese eventually woke up, confused if I must add.

"Wait, so it's Thursday right?"


"And today we're working at three?"

"Yes." She nodded as if the information finally settled in. Reese was not a morning person. She had horrible memory and moved around slowly. As soon as noon kicks in, Reese is the liveliest person you know.

"Why are you guys here?"

"Talia invited us over."

"For what?" I arched an eyebrow at her.

"To help me pack." All of them stared at her.

"You never told us that." James was the first one to speak.

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