13: Said Self-Control

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"It's Thursday!" Reese got into my car with a smile on her face.

"So what?" I asked her as we drove to work together.

"The dinner tonight. We're going out tonight!" I mentally rolled my eyes at her happiness. It was ten in the morning, yet she's wide awake and loud.

"I guess our clubland days are over." I sighed.

"We're doing this for Talia." It had been more than a week since Talia took the test. It's been more than a week and James still doesn't know. "I've been ignoring James since then because I'm afraid it's going to slip. I don't think I can wait any longer for her to tell him."

"It's not like James is going to leave her though. When I was talking to him before she moved out, he was saying something about how she's not going anywhere soon." Reese cooed and started patting her hands on the dashboard.

"That is so cute. I'm going to cry."

"Oh my gosh. It is not that serious."

"Whatever Ms. Heartless."

"I do have a heart thank you very much." I said as a matter of fact.

"Yeah. It's starting to shine through. I think I can actually feel it beating." I ended up hitting Reese on our way into the restaurant. "Bitch! I think you broke my nail!"


"We won't be coming into work tomorrow." Reese told Garrett on our way out of our shift. "Wedding duties and shit like that."

"I don't know if that's a legit excuse."

"Okay. We got mono." I said.

"Ew! No. That makes it seem like we were intimate. No offense, but I'm not into you like that Bailey." Garrett just looked at us in amusement.

"Anyone would be into me, but anyway. We'll call in sick. How about that?"

"Whatever. Just make sure you're here on Monday."

"I think I've already told you how much I love you," I told him.

"Many, many times." We ended up leaving. I dropped Reese off at her place before driving down to my apartment complex. I climbed the stairs trying to turn over a new leaf only to be breathless when I entered my apartment.

"What the hell did you do?" I was shocked that Dean was here, but then again, him and Carter were friends.

"I walked up the stairs." I took off my shoes and faceplanted into the loveseat off to the side. "And I need to go shower and get ready. I want to sleep."

"Why does Reese keep having dinner parties and shit?" Carter complained.

"Because she's getting married. Let her do what she wants. This will all be over soon." I checked the time. It was half past six. I needed to be at the restaurant by 8:30. "Will you be joining us tonight, Dean?"

"Nah. I've got a date." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I grew a smile on my face.

"Dean, you look awfully nervous." He grew red and I screeched loudly. "I predicted this. I said you need to date, and now you do. I'm a master!"

"You said you wanted to do an experiment on my relationship."

"Okay, I won't. But it would have been really useful in my psych days."

"You took psych?" Carter asked.

"I minored in psych." He looked surprised, but recovered when Dean began shooting at his character. "Well, I'm off to get ready. I bid you luck on your date."

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