Chapter 4 [] Boredom

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It was around 10:00 PM. Pha told us to get downstairs at 10:10 PM.

"Hurry up!" I turned my attention to the knocking that was happening on my door since 10 minutes ago.   

"For fuck's sake, I'm coming." I growled as I quickly grabbed my phone and my wallet.

I opened the door violently.

"Ow!" A groan emitted from behind the door.

I snorted loudly, "Serves you right."

"You're so violent." Beam whined, as he made his way toward the elevators.

"Where's Pha?" I asked, as I looked around the area.

"He's downstairs, you ass." 

I rolled my eyes as we got into an elevator. Sure enough, Pha was waiting for us downstairs. We piled into his car and Pha started to drive off.

"Is it that same club that you always go to?" I asked Beam.

"Yeah. You haven't been there in ages though. It changed a lot." 

I gave a single nod in response.

This was going to be frustrating. I don't usually like to go to clubs and especially at a time like this.

We reached the building and we got out of the car. Beam led the way, while we both followed. Pha stopped midway and told us to go inside, as he wanted to wait for N'Yo. So, Beam and I continued our walk towards the club. I found myself dragging my feet unwillingly towards the entrance.

"Hurry up Ai'Kit!" Beam's voice shouted.

I increased my steps slightly as I entered the club. Thumps of music and the loud chatter of people met my ears, making me flinch instantly. I wasn't used to this. The place was dark with frequent colourful rays making their way along the room. The place was packed. I focused my eyes on my best friend's back, who was already way ahead than me.

I suddenly jumped as I felt a pair of hands wrap around my arm.

"Hi cutie." A female purred as she walked slowly alongside me, rubbing her hand slowly down my arm.

I glanced at her. The first thing that caught my eye was her overly exposed cleavage and her exposing choice of clothes. Do you even call those clothes anyway? She's basically almost naked. I tore my gaze away from her and tried to pull my arm out of her grasp.

"Why are you here alone?" She leaned closer to me. I could feel her warm breath hit my ear.

I ignored her as I continued to walk towards my so-called best friend, all while still trying to get rid of this girl that was still clinging onto my arm.

"Ooh. I see you're already getting the girls, Ai'Kit." Beam grinned at me, as I approached his table.

I could see three other ladies surrounding him while batting their eyes in the most ridiculous sort of way. This is pathetic.

"Um, excuse me." I snapped,  as I finally pulled the female's hands away from my arm.

So fucking annoying.

"Why? You seem lonely so I-" She began.

"Fuck off." I plastered a smile on my face.

She froze for a second before a look of disgust spread across her face, "I guess that's why you're such a loner."

She stomped off and disappeared into the packed crowd of people.

I sighed and took a seat across of Beam.

"Why did you reject a hottie like her?" Beam sent me a look of surprise.

"She's annoying."

"Are you stupid? You just missed a chance."

"Yes, I'm stupid." I snapped.

I was already feeling pissed. This was going to be a long night.

Beam shrugged and turned his attention to a blonde female who was nearly straddling him at this point.

I sighed again and looked around for Pha. He wasn't in sight. Maybe they didn't arrive yet? I don't even know or care anymore. I began to scroll through my phone as I looked at random posts on Instagram. It was only 10:32 PM now.

Why does time have to pass so damn slow?

I closed my phone and rested my chin on my hand, as I felt myself slowly zone out. The loud music felt nothing but a steady hum. The dancing figures looked like nothing but a blur. I was getting tired already.

I yawned as I gazed lazily at Beam, who was deeply immersed in a conversation with the three girls. Maybe I should get up and get drinks. Or maybe I should wait for Pha. I was too lazy to get up anyway. I just want to go home.

"Sawadee krab." a soft voice suddenly broke my thoughts. 

I slowly lowered my hand as I turned around to look behind me.


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