Chapter 37 [] My Little Doctor

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"I feel like I'm going to die." I muttered hoarsely.

Right now, I was bundled up in the covers in my room and was feeling very dizzy and sick indeed.

"You're a fucking idiot. I already told you that it was going to rain but you didn't listen. You still went out for a jog anyways." Wayo scolded.

"Well, I wasn't excepting it to rain."

"And, you're also a bigger idiot for only wearing a T-shirt and shorts."


"And, you also didn't get an umbrella with you, despite the fact that I told you to."


"And now, it's all your fault that you caught a high fever yesterday."

"You're abusive." I mumbled.

"Hey, I'm the one taking care of you here." Wayo rolled his eyes, as he set down a cup of hot water next to me.

I started to have another coughing fit.

"Drink the water." Wayo pushed the cup towards me.

I grabbed it from him and began to sip it down slowly. Wayo sighed and leaned back on the chair that he had dragged next to my bed. He watched me with his arms crossed against his chest.

"I feel horrible." I started pulling the bed covers up to my face, hiding my eyes away from the light in the room.

"Why do you keep jogging these days? You haven't been such an athletic. Well, besides the gym, of course."

"It helps me keep my mind off things." I replied softly.

"Are you still thinking about P'Kit?" He asked.

I stayed very silent. It has been a week since I last saw him.

A whole fucking week.

I don't know how I was able to manage not seeing him.

"I miss him." I whispered.

Wayo looked at me with a sorrowful look, "I guess you should just give him some time."

"I know." I rasped out, feeling that I was going to cough again.

He Stole My Heart || MingKit ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin