Chapter 27 [] .. Flu, Phi?

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"Ming." Kit began.

"Yes, P?" I replied, trying to push myself away from him.

"Back the fuck off, now." He snapped, giving me a short but violent push.

I staggered backward and almost fell over the lady behind me.

Did he really despise my presence that much?

"P'Kit, I'm s-" I began.

I stopped as I watched him instantly hunch over and slide all the way down against the elevator's wall.

What the-

"P'Kit, are you okay?!" I stared at him in panic. I couldn't move because there were people pressed up all around me but I could still see him. He was curled up in a small ball on the floor. His knees were pressed to his chest and he had his arms wrapped around them.

At that moment, luckily, we finally reached the last floor. People began to rush out as I instantly dropped down next to Kit.

"P'Kit?!" I shook his arm.

"Go away, Mingkwan!" He cried out, slapping my hand away.

I winced and drew my hand back, looking hesitantly at him.

He really seemed to hate my presence. However, I wasn't going to give up.

"P'Kit? What's wrong?"

"Get out!" His shouts were muffled as he had his face hidden in his knees.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." I said firmly.

People came in and the elevator doors started to close. I was very well aware that this scenario looked very odd and people might be staring. However, I didn't even care about my surroundings. I just cared about Kit.

"Get away from me!" I heard Kit growl.

"But..P'.. why?" I felt disheartened.

"You're making it worse."

"..Making what worse?" I asked.

Did I do something wrong? Is he still pissed about what I did earlier?

The elevator stopped at another random floor and the people got out. I didn't want us to stay in the elevator so I grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him out.

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