Chapter 45 [] Mine? Yours.

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It took Ming a second before he started responding to me. I felt one of his hands raise up and caress my cheek carefully. His other arm brushed against my lower waist, trying to get me to lift my hips. I obliged, straddling his lap comfortably. On instinct, I had lowered down my arms and wrapped them around his neck, growing weaker and weaker as I melted hopelessly in his kiss.

My heartbeat was racing wildly. An electrifying sensation of happiness soared through my body as I clutched him even closer to me. We finally broke off the kiss, letting out gasps for air. I breathed heavily, staring down at him. My arms were still around his neck and I had no intention of letting go just yet. I felt both his hands trail down to my hips and where he held me firmly.

We were unable to look away from each other. The sound of our heavy breathing filled the room.

".. Do you understand how I- I feel about you now?" I finally stammered out.

I was so embarrassed.

"..I don't know. Can you show me again?" He inquired.

This sneaky bastard.

Before I could try to utter a word, he had connected our lips together in another long, lingering kiss. I responded back instantly, moving my lips together with his. His lips brushed over my lower lip and nibbled it gently. My lips parted as I let out a surprised gasp, giving him the opportunity to invade his tongue inside my mouth.

Then, I suddenly trembled as I felt him raise his hand and slip it under my shirt, caressing my torso softly. His cool fingers sent a pleasant shiver running down my spine.

"..Ming." I said softly, once we broke off the kiss again for air.

He removed his hand instantly.

"Sorry, I didn't.. mean to.." He breathed out.

".. It's my...f- first time.." I began stammering again, "..I've never.."

"I understand. I won't do anything unless you agree. Don't worry, okay?" He said gently.

I just admitted to him that I'm.. a virgin.

My cheeks flared hotly in embarrassment.

"..You know," Ming began, "I.. I really wasn't excepting this."

I just stared at him silently. Then, my eyes widened.

"Ming!" I mumbled, cupping his cheeks instantly, "Wh- why are you crying?"

"I'm so happy.." He smiled, as the tears rolled down his face.

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