Chapter 31 [] Going Home With Ming

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Damn. Where the fuck is Mingkwan? That bastard told me to meet him downstairs at 9 AM so we can leave the hotel at 9:10. It's 9:20 now and he's still not here. 

I glanced at my phone impatiently, letting out a huff. Finally, I decided to go up to his room to see what was taking so long. 

"Mingkwan! Open the door!" I knocked loudly at his door.

"One second, Phi!" His voice came over from the other side.

"What's taking so damn long? You said that you-" I started to rant but stopped as his door swung open.

I was now facing a shirtless and wet Mingkwan. He stood in front of me while drying his hair vigorously.

"Good morning, Phi." He greeted.

I was quiet for a bit as I unconsciously stared at his body. I heard him chuckle so I quickly snapped up to meet his gaze again. He was now leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his lips.

Fuck my life.

"..We- wear a damn shirt!" I ordered.

What's up with me and stammering?

"Khrup." He nodded, "But do come in Phi."

Without even waiting for my answer, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside his room.

"Sorry for being late. I overslept and I just finished taking a shower." He sent me a grin as he closed the door.

"Whatever," I replied, crossing my arms, "Hurry up and get dressed."

"Khrup." I heard him fumbling in his bag.

"Um, I put your laptop in my bag. I couldn't give it to you earlier." I mumbled, remembering the fact that he left his laptop in my room since that last time we watched the movie.

"It's alright. Give it to me when we arrive." He said, as he closed up his bag.

I nodded.

We left his room and we headed down to the lobby. I waited by the bags as Ming checked us out of the hotel. Then, we started to make our way outside to the parking lot.

"Where's your car?" I looked around.

"Oh, I parked it out on the opposite street." He replied.

"Why would you do that?" I grumbled. 

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