Chapter 19 [] Damn it.

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A/N: Hello all!  Before you start reading, I just wanted to thank you all so much for 1K reads. You don't know how much I really appreciate all your votes and comments. Thank you! <3 What matters to me the most is that you are enjoying this book. 💕 Happy reading!

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After I left Ming and my friends standing outside, I quickly rushed back into the hotel and towards the elevators. The lobby was fucking crowded, but luckily, I managed to get into an elevator and ride up to my floor. I reached my room and shoved my hand in my pocket. It was empty. I reached into my other pocket but I only found my phone and glasses.


Where are my keys?

I took a quick flashback at what happened at the beach earlier. When Ming grabbed me and pulled me to the side, I could swear I felt something slip out of my pocket.


I forgot that I still had my keys in my pocket when I got into the water. 

I groaned in frustration as I ran a hand through my wet hair. I would need to go back down and ask for another key. I walked back to the elevator and pressed a button. I waited until the elevator arrived. When the doors opened, a familiar figure stepped out.

"P'?" Ming asked. 

Not again..

"Hi." I glanced up at him. My voice slightly shivered because I was starting to feel cold. The hallway's air condition was set on pretty high.

"Where are you going?" 

"I can't find my keys. I think I must have dropped it in the ocean," I rubbed my neck, "I'm going to go to the lobby to ask for a new one."

I edged around him as I tried to get into the elevator.

"Wait." He blocked the elevator with his body.

"Hey, move." I demanded.

"You can't go downstairs like that." 

"Excuse me?" 

It's not like I was naked. I did wear my shirt again, for your information.

"You'll get sick." Ming said.


"You need to take a warm shower and dry your hair so you don't catch a cold."

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