Chapter 28 [] Embarrassment

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Warning: Slight mature scene ahead! Please skip if you are sensitive to sexual topics. 


".. Oh." Ming blurted, his eyes going wide. He had his gaze on my shorts.

".. Huh?" I felt my throat go dry as I pressed my knees together immediately.


"You.." He began.

"Don't even say anything! This is all your fucking fault, Mingkwan!" I shouted, before I could stop myself.

"..Wait, what?" He asked after a few seconds of silence.

"It's your fault this happened to me! You were the one rubbing against me in the elevator, you fucking bastard!" I yelled again, feeling quite breathless.

"My fault.." He repeated after me. 


What the fuck did I just say?

I gazed at him in horror as I realized what I just accidentally admitted to him.


"You're saying that you got like.. this.. because I- rubbed against you?" He asked.

"No, wait! That's not.. not what I meant!" I tried to defend myself hopelessly.

"Then.. what do you mean Phi?" He raised an eyebrow as he moved closer to me.

"Stop getting closer!" I pressed myself against the wall even more as I squeezed my knees tighter together.

There was no way to escape. There was a wall behind me, a bed to my left, and a closet to my right. If I got up and ran, that would be far too embarrassing because he'll get a full view of my lower half and my- unfortunate boner.

".. P'Kitkat. Is it really my fault?"

"Yes, it is!" I uttered out without even thinking.

Shit. Me and my big mouth.

".. Well, if it's my fault, then I assume that I should take responsibility for it?" He asked, a small smile spreading across his face.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I growled.

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