Chapter 34 [] Confused..

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My mind is a mess. Everything around me is blurred. Am I hyperventilating? The only thing I could focus right now was Ming. Just Ming. He is kissing me. He is fucking kissing me. I can't comprehend it..

I felt Ming's hands tighten slightly around my wrists. So with that.. I closed my eyes and unconsciously moved my lips together with his, kissing him back. For a moment there, it seems as if time froze. A few seconds later, he slowly broke away. I finally opened my eyes to see him staring anxiously at me.

My heart skipped a beat.

"M-Ming.." I finally managed to say, breathing heavier than ever.

I couldn't even say anything more. I had no words. My mind was still spinning wildly.

"Shit. I'm..I'm so sorry." He seemed to come back to his senses as he released the grip from my hands. He sat up quickly. A look of fear spread across his face.

"..I'm so sorry, Phi." He repeated. His voice was now shaking. He held his head in his hands and went deadly silent as he looked away from me.

The worse case of silence filled the room. I sat up slowly, my head throbbing. A few moments later, I cautiously crawled over next to him. I paused for a bit and watched him. Then, ever so slowly, I reached over to him and pulled away his hands from his face. He turned to look at me as I held his hands firmly in my grasp and edged closer to him. I began to rub his palms in gentle circular motions with my thumbs.

I hope this soothes him as much as it soothes me.

"..Phi? What are you doing?" He said quietly. I could see how he was breathing really deeply.

"You said it calms me down. It might work on you too." I replied without looking up at him.

I continued as he went completely silent again. Eventually, he seemed to calm down and start to take normal breaths.

"We should sleep." He said shortly.

"..Ri- right.." I replied.

I pulled my hands away from him and stared at him as he went over to shut the light. The room now filled with darkness. From the faint light emitting from the window, I saw his figure stride over to the bed. I rolled away from him on instinct.

"Pull up the covers further so you don't get cold, alright?" I heard him mumble, as he laid down a bit further than me.


"Goodnight, Phi." He turned around to give me his back.


The room now filled with silence once more. I could hear the patter of the rain and the rumbling of the thunder outside. I couldn't fall asleep though. My mind was distracted and my heart was still racing. I had so many questions.

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