Chapter 38 [] Cuddles With Mingkwan

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"P'Kit?!" Ming echoed again, "Wh- what are you-"

"Why didn't you tell me that you're sick, you idiot?" I began.


"No, shut up and let me continue. First of all, what were you thinking? Next time you go jogging outside, make sure to wear a jacket. Why didn't you get a fucking jacket or at least an umbrella with you?! Due to your stupidity, you caught such a high fever!" I snarled, feeling anger fill my body.


"Thank god Wayo rushed over to my dorm and told me or else I would have ended you because you didn't let me know!"

"It's not-"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I snapped angrily.

"P'Kit.." Ming sat up, "Calm down."

I felt out of breath by now as I glared at Ming by the faint light of his phone. Ming said nothing but kept staring at me. Before I could open my mouth to yell at him again, Ming pulled me towards him.

"Hey!" I growled.

He ignored me and hugged me tightly in a warm embrace. Then, he snuggled his face in my hair.

"Once you get better, I swear that I will kill y-" I began.

"I missed you so much." He whispered, cutting off all of my thoughts and threats.

I froze.

"I missed you so fucking much, P'Kit." He whispered again, hugging me tighter.

I felt myself go weak in his arms immediately. All of my anger faded away.

"I'm afraid that if I let you go now, then you'll disappear away from my sight again." He continued.

The blush that had formed on my face when I held Ming's hand earlier, increased even more rapidly.

"H-hey.. bastard.."I finally stuttered after a moment, "..I don't want to catch your fever."

"I can't believe you missed me too. I'm really happy." He didn't let me go.

Thank fucking god that the room is dark and that he can't see my face. I felt myself flush even deeper in embarrassment when I remembered my earlier statement.

I can't believe I admitted that to him. What was I thinking?

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