Chapter 7 [] Pure Coincidence

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You got to be fucking kidding me.

I was looking up at that damn engineering moon.

"Hello again, P'Kit." He smiled warmly.

"Why are you here?" I snapped.

Honestly. From all the places he could be, why is he here?

"I like to come here everyday. It's quiet and relaxing." He replied.

I never seen him here before.

I shifted my gaze towards the book in his hand. He seemed to notice my glance so he handed me the book. I took it and stared at it quietly, unsure of what to do.

"Thanks." I finally muttered.

With that, I turned around and headed back to my table. I could swear that I could feel his eyes boring into my back. I pulled out a chair and sat down with a sigh.

I want to finish gathering all the notes before the evening.

I began to work. I flipped through the pages of the books as I wrote down the important notes in my notebook. Suddenly, the scraping sound of a chair being pulled out next to me made me flinch. Nevertheless, I didn't look up. I kept my eyes glued to the books as I continued to write.


I paused and looked up. I was instantly greeted by those familiar brown eyes staring at me.

"Call me that again, and I'll kick your fucking ass." I whispered.

Ming's calm expression didn't change at all. That irritated me. Instead, he grinned and leaned slightly closer, making me back away again.

"P'.. Kit.. Kat.." He pronounced that stupid nickname slowly.

I curled up my fist and raised it-


"What do you want? I'm trying to finish." I finally sighed, lowering down my hand. I didn't want to cause a scene here.

He leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms.

"You can finish. Just pretend that I'm not here."

I gave him a look of annoyance as I turned back to my book.

Minutes of silence passed. From the corner of my eye, I could still see him staring at me.

"Stop staring at me." I snapped, without turning to look at him.

I heard him shift in his chair. He changed his position. He wasn't staring at me anymore. I let out a breath of relief.

I tried to focus on my book again. Finally, I shut it with a bang and began to gather the materials.

This isn't working. I can't focus. I stood up and started to pile up the books in my arms with difficulty.

"Where are you going?" Ming asked.

"None of your business." I replied.

I just wanted to get the hell out of here. I think I'll go to my friends and finish my research there.

I suddenly saw the book at the top of the pile sliding off. I let out a short yelp as I tried to balance the load. I heard a chair scrape against the floor again as Ming got up and steadied the pile. I felt his fingers brush against my hand again.

"Be careful." He spoke as he slowly let go of the pile and backed away. The pile of books stopped wobbling.

"Thanks again." I said gruffly.

I walked over to front desk to get a card for permission to borrow the books. I could hear Ming's footsteps as he followed me.

Why was he being so damn clingy?

"Do you want me to help you carry them?" He asked.


God, he pisses me off.

He nodded, "See you later, P'Kit."

"Who said that I'll see you again?" I scoffed.

With that, I turned and left the library, leaving Ming standing motionless behind me.


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