Chapter 24 [] Desires

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"P'Kit?" I repeated.

I was currently seated on a chair in Kit's room. He had dragged me all the way here without saying a single word and then proceeded to push me down on the chair.

"What's the matter?" I asked as I noticed that he was searching in his bag.

"I told you to shut up, didn't I?" He grumbled and stood up. I noticed he had a roll of bandages in his hands. He walked over to me and squatted in front of me.

"Hold out your arm." He commanded.

"Phi. It's okay you don't have to-"

"I said hold out your arm." 


He sighed and slowly reached over for my arm. He began to unwrap the old bandages carefully. After they were off, he began to wrap the new bandages around my arm.

"You don't have to do this. I'll be able to manage." I said.

"Just be quiet." He responded.

I stayed silent until he was done. He secured it one last time and then grabbed the old bandages off the floor.

"Thank you, P'Kitkat." I smiled.

He only nodded at me. Then, he rolled the old bandages up in a ball and went over to the trashcan to toss them inside. I kept sitting down, watching his every movement. I didn't know what to do now.

Should I leave or should I ask him if he wants to watch a movie?

I didn't really want to do option number one, so I took a deep breath and curled up my fists.

"..Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked cautiously.

He stopped moving and glanced at me. However, he didn't say anything.

I'm feeling nervous.

"What kind of movie?" He answered me after a very long pause. He had placed his hands behind his back and leaned against the wall, just looking at me.

"You can choose." I replied.

He was silent again.

"Should I go and get my laptop?" I asked.

He averted his stare away from me. Then he nodded slightly, "..okay."

My heart filled with happiness as I leaped up from the chair and started to head towards the door. I made sure to control my steps and not to go too fast. Kit might notice that I'm too eager and he might change his mind. I rushed into my room and grabbed my laptop and my charger. Then I went back to Kit's room and rang the bell. He opened the door for me a few seconds later and I happily walked in.

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