Chapter 10 [] Date?!

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It was the afternoon and I've just finished taking a shower. I sat on my bed with open notebooks scattered around me. I had an exam next week and I wanted to finish memorizing my notes. Since the weekend starts tomorrow, I wanted to take advantage of the time. I suddenly needed an eraser so I got up and walked over to my desk. I pulled open the drawer and took out my eraser. After I closed the drawer, I was about to head back to the bed- but I paused.

I noticed the Kitkat chocolate bar that was laying on my desk. It was the same chocolate bar that the engineering moon gave me last week. 

I took the chocolate and gazed at it silently. 

"P'Kitkat."  Ming's annoyingly calm voice came back to my mind.

I huffed and returned the candy bar back on the desk.

So pathetic.

I clambered back on my bed and began to finish off my studying. An hour later, I heard a knock at my door.

"Ai'Kitty, you there? Yes? No? Oh well, I'm still coming in!" Beam's voice erupted from the other side.

I heard him fiddle with the lock as he made his way into my dorm. Upon spotting me, he grinned and waved.

"I don't understand why you have to knock if you were going to come in anyway." I muttered, annoyed.

"You're so damn grumpy." He reached over to me to ruffle my hair.

I instantly slapped his hand away, "Bastard."

"Anyways! I got some snacks." He lifted his hand to show me the bag he was holding.

"I didn't finish studying." I protested, as I gestured towards the mess of papers and books around me.

Beam leapt on my bed and began to shut the open books in seconds.

"Hey!" I growled, slapping his hand away once more.

"Damn, stop studying so much." He complained.

"I don't like being told what to do." 

He pouted and reached into the plastic bag. A few seconds later, a bag of chips came flying towards my face. 


"Are you fucking kidding m-"

"Just shut up and eat." He groaned, as he popped open the tab on a soda can, "You're so noisy."

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