The First Couple of days

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I felt something inside, almost a melancholy feeling, but it felt as if a giant weight was taken from me. But most of all, I felt grateful that something seemingly out of reach for me is now reality, and it's all thanks to- He's not human anymore... I never caught his name..

I approached him to ask, but was interrupted by him stopping in his tracks. He glanced at me in fear. I then realized I was nervously sweating latex myself.

"Puro.." his voice was rather cold and unsettling. "Do you believe what Doctor K said? Do you think it's true?" His voice began to shake.

I looked around in the darkness, but all I could see was Human's frantic fox form. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arm around him.

"No worries Human! I think our only threat now is other transfur, but it's been almost two days since we left the lab, and I saw no sign of life, except for the wild animals. Oh- speaking of so, do we still have that jerky?" I heard the crinkling of thick plastic. The smoky aroma enlightened my appetite causing my mouth to water.

"I can hardly recognize this language on the package, but do you know?" I kept nibbling on the spicy dried meat. He handed me the little plastic bag, and I twitched my paw to see it. It was one of the only human languages I know.

"It's Russian!" He jumped. 

"Russian..." He thought deeply.. "I.. I am Russian... Puro!" His tone diminished into a sober monotone. "We- We're both speaking English though.. By what I can recall, all the signs in the lab were in English...? I don't know man.. Let me think about this for a while." He let out a small chuckle, but of what I could see, he was troubled.

The day turned to night after seemingly minutes of walking. My head started to hurt as my muscles began to slow from exhaustion. As per usual, Hooman and I talked about random stuff that came to our heads the whole time. 

We found shelter, an abandoned cabin, unused for some time. I barely dragged myself to the master bedroom where my companion was gathering bedding supplies from the dresser, and raiding the cabinets for food, on the food part, he found nothing. We snuggled into bed, him and I, talking about our plans and our future. The question surfaced again...

"Human, may I ask, what is your name?"

He hesitated, and thought hard for a moment. In the vivid moonlight, I saw his face, and the expression he bared was hopelessness.

"I.. I don't know.." His voice shook with sadness. I cuddled him some more, this time we both fell asleep at the same time.

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Where stories live. Discover now