The Dream

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[AN: If this gets too weird for you, feel free to skip this. If you like weird stuff you can read this. Ehhh.. Still probably going to read it anyway and scream at me in the comments.]

I found myself in total darkness, and I felt as if I was wrapped in a vine, or a rope, to where the pulling sensation was almost painful. I tried to tug onto whatever was holding me, and it was cold, jagged metal holding me in place, or what it felt like. I tried to reach for the ground, but it was only endless darkness, yet, with movement I was able to see a white outline of myself.

I then felt a strange pulling sensation, and I have.. broken free from that object? Before I questioned anymore, I was thrown onto something. 

I found myself back in the snow, but this was different. Lin, the fire and Sauci was not in sight, but what caught my eyes was a this warmer climate flower, standing erect in the snow a few feet away from me. It looked like a Anemone, as it was white with a beautiful violet gradient at the end of the petals.

I got up and approached it. A light began to surround me as I struggled, slowly approaching, collapsing into the cold, wet snow.

Things became confusing, and before I could catch my breath, and ponder, I saw a white dragon in front of me. I tried to look around, but, all I could see was darkness, the dragon, and very faintly in the distance, illuminating blue sharp shapes in the distance falling from the distance. But throughout the dream, all I felt was confusion, and grave fear.

I gasped awake to an odd scent. Lin was nowhere to be seen, like almost every morning.

I've only questioned him once about this, and he mentioned something about wood. Like what does wood have to do with this?

Humans are strange and complicated. And to be in a relationship with one takes the strangeness to so many levels.

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Where stories live. Discover now