The FrostFur

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[AN: Many things happened when I was gone, firstly, I got a lot of snow, secondly TheFoxyDragon, or Foxy in this story, has read this, and I am so happy. And thirdly I got sick again. But hey, made you guys a small chapter. More to come soon!]


I've tried and tried.. I'm nearing the point of giving up, yet, the humans are what I'm worried about most. If they see the traitors to the laws of nature, they will too destroy the returning planet, trying to get the cure back, instead of waiting for the plague to go extinct.

The rest of my clan, thinks that avalanche is a victory.. Still I believe that they are alive. Puro is highly intelligent, yet, he is clumsy. Lin is also un-transfurable.

We tried.

He also shares higher intelligence than a normal human, meaning, intelegence is their common ground, causing them to be dangerously unpredictable, but they must be stopped, by any chance.

Let, and Rag, my fellow clan members, came up with the foolproof idea of the sonic bazooka the weapon that only produces a supersonic blast.

To which, they are celebrating with flexseal.

I still sense that our troubles with them are far from over. I sense something dreadful is on the horizon.

I wonder if that old bucket of latex and computer parts has anything to say about it?

[Dr K]

It's been too long since I've seen the two. I've also had tidied up the lab, and left because of the haunting memories. I'm on my way to the Human's shelter to check up on them, to see if everything is alright. And also the Transfur were better off without me.

Firstly, my van ran out of petrol, and a lot of the gas station's oil is gritty and rusty from the tanks decaying, but it still runs, not well though.

Then, a nasty storm had hit without warning. To which I sat alone for days in my van, not moving anywhere, worrying myself more than necessary.

The weather has finally cleared up, to which I was on the move.

Almost halfway there...

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt