Chapter One: Afterwards

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Who the fuck does he think he is? Handing me a note like that? I saw right through that pretentiously weak apology. He was staring right at me...the entire time. Those words weren't for poor Engel...they were aimed at me.

"You're actually not so bad"

I'd gotten home about an hour ago, comfortably dressed in a warm pale grey oversized cosy sweater and some soft grey shorts. I sat on my bed now tying my hair into loose a bun, as my eyes wandered over to his note. I kept it...fuck...why did I keep it? I knew it was stupid, why even except it in the first place? Maybe it was the look on his face...the way his eyes refused to leave mine. Shit...I make one minor remark about him making eye contact with people and now that's all he does with me!

"You're actually not so bad"...his voice was still lingering in my mind.

I hate this. I can barely stomach admitting it to myself...but something about that idiot intrigues me. Who brings a mug a to school? Who else would nonchalantly walk through glitter like that? It's ridiculous...but interesting. He's still a dick for what he did to Engel, and I don't buy that apology for one second...but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to myself that he's at the very least unconventional. And then there's that note, why can't I just throw it away. I don't have to keep it...I don't have to do anything. But it just keeps gnawing at that part in my mind. The part of me that desperately wants to open that note and see what's inside.

It could be nothing but his phone number, or him attempting to ask me out could be something else. And it was that 'something else' that was going to bother me all night. Maybe I should message Isa, an outside opinion could be useful? I mean she was there, she saw him hand me the stupid thing.

Ughhh, but she probably already thinks that I tossed it by now. And logically speaking I should...yes...I'm going to just trash it. There's no way I'm going to sit here any longer contemplating a note I got from Noah of all people.

I hopped off my fluffy bed and snatched the crumpled note off my nightstand. Heading straight for my trash bin, I was not to be deterred. And just as I was about finish the deed..."LIV! Liv where are you!?" my cousin Andries shouted for me. I groaned, not only was I absolutely sure that he was calling me for some nonsensical reason...but he broke my thought process. Now completely doubting my resolve... I shoved the note into my pocket and opened my bedroom door. Sticking my head out of my doorway, I looked down the hall and locked eyes with my half-naked cousin.

He stood there in nothing but a pair of shorts with some socks on. Andries was a decent height standing at 6"2 (1.82m), he had a relatively slim build, with a handsome face. His curls were tighter than mine and his hair was about medium length, with the sides shaved low. His eyes were a light shade of brown...borderline hazel, while his complexion was a slight tone darker than mine. Andries was 24 years old, and I moved in him and his friend Mila a couple years ago.

"Liv, are we out of pizza?" he asked rubbing his eyes as if he'd just woken up. It was midnight, and he was standing in the kitchen asking about pizza of all things. I sighed, now slightly more annoyed and sounding a tad bit agitated "Yes, you ate it all. Remember?!"

"Woah woah, don't get your pan---"

"If you say 'panties in a knot' I will kill you" okay...I was very agitated. And Andries probably didn't deserve he kind of did. But it's mostly Noah's fault, and I hate that...that stupid cocky grin of his actually has the audacity to be stuck in my mind right now. I rolled my eyes, trying to shake off the feeling. Andries now overreacting with his hands in the air as if I literally planned on shooting him or something, he then said "okay okay, sorry! I only wanted food, I didn't come out here to die young"

"Ha ha, very funny" my whole remark was drenched in sarcasm, "just go cook something or order more food...I don't know. But some of us would like to go to bed" I tried to mellow my tone.

"Wait wait, what about the winter party? How was that?" he asked sounding genuinely interested. I groaned at the notion of having to think about it all over again, "how about I tell you all the details tomorrow? I'm tired, and you're hungry...remember?"

"Agh, you're no fun" Andries smirked playfully, closing the fridge and grabbing his phone off the counter. I could safely assume he wasn't going to cook...not that he ever really did, and rather order a whole bunch food instead.

I took that as my cue to return to my room, closing the door behind me and slumping to the floor. Releasing a deep and heavy sigh, what the hell was I going to do?

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Toni Rosaline/Death-Of-AStar:

Hey there! So this is just a little sample/practice chapter, continuing right from the last episode of season 1. I haven't got it all thought out yet, but I'll probably try and keep writing until Season 2 is officially back. Which by then, my fanfic will probably be WAY off from what the show decides to actually do!

Anyway, feedback would be amazing, so please any and all help would be nice. Any amazing ideas would be so helpful! I'm not just making this for me, I'm doing this for anyone in the fandom who cares to read it...and desperately needs some Liv/Noah content in their lives.

I plan to do some mini shoutouts to the lovely people who have given me helpful ideas and overall information so far!

First 2 shoutouts are for Tumblr users... {@lylebeauteau} and {@lovingskamnl}! Thank you guys so much for your help! And I can't wait to really start writing this!

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